
Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

Let's be New Generation of Teacher

In the first week of being teaching assistance I have so many jobs. How can? I have observing 11th grade with two master teachers. One teacher is for Trigonometry and another is for probability. I was asked to make lesson plan, power point slide, video, worksheet, and instructional media, remember that is for two lessons. Then I entering the classroom for observation, I’m glad here, they were really cute. They are high school students with natural expression, in learning they seems relax but they are serious. About the first teacher, she really enjoy the teaching, she guide the students’ thinking softly to reach the teaching learning goals. I saw that the teacher character is appropriate with students’ need. Maybe the teacher’s character itself makes the students enjoy the learning. 

In teaching learning the teacher use direct instruction, lecture discussion, and guide discovery. When I make a research in the last semester, the teaching learning like that is called conventional teaching with teacher center learning. I found any weakness of the teaching style at the book and internet source. But, when I observe the real classroom with this conventional teaching, I saw that it works. The weakness didn’t appear much. Most of all, the students can answer teacher question correctly, from the answer I can conclude that they understand well about the teacher explanation.
Next, in the second teacher classroom, the teacher applies our lesson plan. The lesson plan mostly use grouping for experiment in find the probability space sample. In assistance the teacher in classroom, we get so many problems, especially in the grouping. The teacher cannot handle the class, then the grouping didn’t work well and it just wastes the time. Then master teacher discuss with us, she said that the grouping is not effective because the students is not accustomed to learn in a group.

Now I get the point, the teacher perspective here is that students are just familiar with the lecturing. So they usually use it. I think if the teacher character is good like the first teacher; the teaching learning will get the effectiveness. But if the teacher cannot handle the class and the character is not strong, any teaching methods s/he use it will ineffective. So in the next week when I and my team teach, I want to show them that effective teaching is not just about lecturing all the time but teacher can use another method like grouping for variety the teaching and learning. And grouping will work when the teacher instruction is appropriate. Let's be new generation of teacher and makes a difference.

1 komentar:

Section B 2010 mengatakan...

yes deshinta, it needs time to make them familiar to the methods that we usually use, but keep fighting to tell them that grouping can stimulate students' ability to find their own understanding,:)
_Susi Dariah_

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