
Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

My Reflection

Senior High School Muhamdiyah 3 precisely located on Limau street, Kebayoran Baru. The school is already using the system moving class, so every turn of the lesson the students will move the class. Unfortunately I cannot see the system because the school is being held midtest. Since being midtest, my friend and I cannot make observations in the classroom. The school is very accepting of both our arrival, when we come there was in this school there are also other students who are doing the PPL, they also received us very well.

            The first day, we are only acquainted with the master teacher and see the state schools. For the first week, my friend and I have not been able to do Teaching Assistant because midtest. So we were just discussing with our master teacher. In high school Muhamadiyah 3, we only get a master teacher for every department. Due to other mathematics teachers who teach grade 3. We discuss about the lesson plan, syllabus, and the material being taught. Currently holding discussions, we often move the room and this became an opportunity for us to be able to observe a state school, because we did not get into the classroom. Facilities at this school is pretty good and complete, the existing language lab and library are very comfortable.

            This week I can only discuss and make a lesson plan to teach next week. Because we only get a master teacher and the student of mathematics there are 4 people, we divide the task to create a lesson plan first and second meetings. Both groups should have the same lesson plan as a teacher of the same mater. We only know the number of students per class, numbering around 25-26 students to grade 1. In high school Muhamadiyah also has SCI classes, accelerated classes. The difference is evident is the number of students per class and learning material. SCI has a number of students who are a little more and get a more dense material.

            Judging from its name, this school is a school-based religion of Islam. For women are required to wear veils while in school. But there is weakness when they use a veil, as I discussed with some students, she admitted that in the class often use the headset during a lesson. This is what makes them do not understand when the teacher explains.


2 komentar:

Section B 2010 mengatakan...

nice reflection wia,:)

I think u must rearrange your schedule because they had midtest. hehehhe,,,

What are you doing if u as a teacher see your students used headset and they don't understand the materials?

Iis Rosita

Section B 2010 mengatakan...

I have rearrange my schedule is

I will remind their and make class agreement before class begin.


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