
Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011

Dwi Sintia_E-Reflection 2_Mathematics 2010

On Tuesday ago, exactly date 27 September 2011, this is the second meeting for me in the course PETA (Principles of Effective Teaching and Assessment) with mother Lydia. In the second meeting this, I found the event is unique, which mother Lydia order me and all my friends to share about our breakfast in the morning, and if we not breakfast, so we can say about food, which want we eat. And the role is, mother Lydia the first say, this morning I eat with bread, and after that we all order by mother Lydia to repeat the sentences mother Lydia say. And then, with rolling each person ordered to say about what mother Lydia say, and to continue about what we eat in the morning. Mother Lydia say “ I eat bread”, Devi say “ I eat rice & fish”, Wia say “ I eat Lontong”, Deshinta say “ I eat Donnut”, Prio say “ I eat uduk rice”, Eli say “ serundeng rice”, Jefry say “I  don’t eat, but I have eat snack”, Tyas say “I don’t eat, but I want eat fried rice”, Umam say “ I eat omlet”, Wiga say “ I eat noodle”, Septi say “I eat uduk rice”, Lia say “I eat noodle”, Ita say “ I eat uduk rice”, Indah say “I eat ultra milk with cost Rp. 3500 bought at business center”, Fikri say “I eat coffee Nescafe & indomilk”, Dwi say “I eat lemper & bugis”, Susi say “I don’t eat, but I want eat chicken porridge at Bandung”, Umi say “I eat rice & noodle”, Ayu say “I eat rice + orek tempe + hot fish”, Iis say “I eat noodle”, Redyta say “I eat fried rice + tahu+ nugget”, Shinta say “ I eat wrap rice+fried rice+sauce+water”, Ratu say “I eat uduk rice from septi”, and then finished with mother Lydia say all our names. And after that we order to watch movie about tematik teaching, and we order to see, which effective and not effective in tematik teaching at the movie. The movie that, according my opinion is very interesting. Because from that, I become know about the next day, when I have become teacher, so I know I must what do. When I watch the movie, there are something from the movie, which can I take to become learning for me as knowledge to become a good teacher. After watch movie, we ordered to collect together with group to discuss about the movie, and ordered to write about which effective teaching and not effective teaching at the movie, and each group ordered to discuss about it.
The next situation is we ordered to around in result from discuss from each group to see discuss result other group. After that, we ordered to make a lesson plan and write on the flip chart. And each group ordered to discuss for make lesson plan. Because the time is finished, so making a lesson plan, ordered made at home together each group. And the class is finished, so the class on the second meeting is very interesting and according for me, all did when study the course PETA is effective and have fun. 

Dwi Sintia
Mathematics Department

Khoirul umam 2010110038 - The Second meeting

First impression: Wooowww… Watch a movie???
On Tuesday, September 27, 2010, it was the second meeting with PETA, it was nice meeting, nice topics, so interesting because we discussed about movie, we discussed about effective or not effective teaching learning in the movie. It was good activities. 

Miss Lydia also gave us other task. we must create Lesson plan. but Its time was not enough,  we will present our Lesson plan next week. So see you next week on Third meeting.

Terima Kasih Guruku
by Melly Goeslow, sung by AFI Junior

Pagiku cerahku matahari bersinar
Kugendong tas merahku di pundak
Slamat pagi semua
Kunantikan dirimu
di depan kelasmu 

menantikan kami

Guruku tersayang guru tercinta
Tanpamu apa jadinya aku
Tak bisa baca tulis mengerti banyak hal
Guruku terimakasihku

Nyatanya diriku kadang buatmu marah
Namun segala maaf kau berikan

*Khoirul umam 

The second meeting with PETA (Iis Rosita)

On Tuesday, 27 September 2011. I learnt PETA again. I liked ice breaking who done by Mrs. Lidya. It made Mrs. Lidya knew our names (hore,,,,,,:)). After that we watched a film about tematik learning in elementary school. Each group evaluated film and wrote it in flipchart. Before we writing film evaluation, we are asked to determine effective activities, ineffective activities and assessment in the film.  After that we discussed the film and reflection together. From the film we knew that teach is not easy. We must planned effective activities, used time effectively. From the film we learnt how to make a lesson plan with effective activities. So, Mrs. Lidya has instructed us to create a good lesson plan with different topics. Actually, indirectly Mrs. Lidya has taught us how to make these effective activities in learning. Thanks Mrs Lidya...... :).  Your class made me more interested to be a great teacher and  encourage me to continue to learn to be great teachers.

E-Reflection week 2 Principle of effective teaching and assessment

As usual, every week I was obliged to make a reflection of the last meeting at Principle of effecting teaching and assessment course. Hemt,,,actually it’s quiet bored for me. But never mind…I have to get used to express my feeling through writing.

Talking about the last meeting at PETA course, I was interested on how Mrs. Lidya taught us about what should teacher do before doing teaching and learning process. It’s an interesting topic, right??

Well,,,in the beginning, Mrs. Lidya showed us a video about teaching “TEMATIK” in elementary school and asked us to give the comment for the video.  It’s amazing when kids enjoyed staying longer in class and being active for every activity in class. They did observation to some objects in outdoor and then did presentation about what they observed. I think the activities are effective to do because those activities can make students free in learning, get to know more about the object that being observed and can practice students’ public speaking skill. But unfortunately there is no discussion class. Whereas the discussion class will be able to make students understand deeply about the topic that being studied.

Hemt,,,,although the video is not related to teaching mathematics in senior high school, but from the video I could learn some things that related to what should I do if I were being a teacher in senior high school.  Being a teacher is not easy especially mathematics teacher. We are not only required to understand materials that will be delivered in class but also need to have some preparations before doing teaching and learning process.  

                Making a lesson plan is one of the preparation that teacher must do in addition to preparing some medias which also needed to support teaching and learning process.  In making lesson plan, teacher should consider which activities to be effective to do. Why teacher should consider it?
Let’s back to the video about teaching “TEMATIK” in elementary school that we observed. There is an activity that I thought it’s not effective to do. Yups,,,Story telling at the end of the lesson. Most of students in the class felt bored about the story and no excited to follow the story.  Based on the discussion class, actually storytelling is one kind of activity that many teachers do when delivering materials in class. The activity could be more fun and effective to do in teaching and learning process if the teacher doesn’t use monotonous delivery. Teacher must involve multiple media such as images to grab students’ attention so that they can enjoy with the activity and get the point from the activity. 

                In making lesson plan, not only using activity focused approach which involves many activities that can make students active in class but also teacher needs to consider about how to assess their pupils as a whole. Mrs lidya said that to assess pupils as a whole, we could apply the basic concept of Bloom’s taxonomy. Hemt,,,,I agree with that. Actually it’s good for applying the concept. It can assess students from cognitive domain, affective domain and psychomotor domain (Bloom, 1956).  Teacher can encourage the use of high level skills among students and by applying this in teaching and learning process, students can retain any information that they ever got in class in a long time. reflection is such an essay…hahahha.
I don’t worry about how long it is. I just want to express what is on my mind.
For..Mrs Lidya,,, I hope you can enjoy to read this reflection.
Thank you

Himmatul 'Aliyah 
Mathematics Department

E-Reflection Harisyah Tyas Prastiti

              In the second meeting with Ms.Lidya we have much discussed about how to teaching effectively. The class started with watched a video from Ms.Lidya about teaching-learning processes in an elementary school. An after we watch the video we have discussed what part that include in effective teaching and ineffective teaching. Then… each group wrote the discussion result on the flip cart and then the class discussed all of the result from each group (about effective and ineffective teaching learning processes in video).
                The video is about thematic teaching-learning processes in class. The teacher started the class with greeting and praying. And then she asked actively to the students. The students were studied in out the class for observed Rambutans’ tree. And from this activity the teacher teach thematically involve. With did the observation the students were study about color (the color of rambutans and leave). And also the students learned about calculation (students calculated how much rambutans that they took). Students learned about family member (teacher asked “who was planned the tree”,  ”who was sweep the yard”) etc. From many method that teacher used in the video, we made the conclusion which one effective learning and which one ineffective learning.
    from the discussion, the class make the conclusion that for make the learning processes the teacher need to be humble,nice,good behavior, knowledgeable, etc.  


At the second meeting in PETA. For beginning stars with like a game that i think it’s good to stimulate students memories.and next is watching video of lesson,where we can see directly the type of learning effective and don’t effective.and then analyze lesson plan the used the teacher in video.and we discussions in group about the video.and the next miss Lidia explain about understanding by design. Miss Lidia said if the understanding by design that in it there is “Activity focused and coverage approach” where the activity focused is teacher only focus on classroom activities while the coverage approach is the teacher only provide the materials in accordance with their duties. And not care of whether students understand or not. Supposed teacher’s task  is to make students understand the lesson. Hopefully we will not be a teacher like that. Because Lidia mom said if teachers is doctor for education.

Ratu Bulkis

e-Reflection PETA . 2nd time :)

Heiiy guys, you meet again with me. And for now, i'll give my opinion on my reflection about the 2nd meeting in PETA class.
In the 2nd meeting, we still discuss about effective teaching. Miss Lydia prepared a film. After we watch that film,we discuss about that on our group, like is that film have an effective teaching in the opening activity, main activity, and closing activity. But before it, we have a games. In this games we must remember about the breakfast our friend and also Miss Lydias' breakfast. This activity aimed for strength our memories. In addition, we also asked for make a lesson plan on our group. Actually, i hope this activity can make me usuall on make my lesson plan. Certain the good lesson plan.
God bless :D

*Fransiska Indah

E-reflection week 2 ( Wiyarsih, 2010110008)

In second meeting, my lecturer asks my friends and me for play games. The game is remembered what our friends ate in breakfast. The function from this game is remembering Maslow theory.  After that, I watched video about learning and teaching process in the school. I learned about effective and non effective activity from the video. Then, I discuss with my group about our opinion from the video. What activities are not effective?
In video, the teachers teach her student not only in the class but also went outside the class for observation. For me, it’s a good activity but sometimes will be wasting time and non effective because there is no clear assessment for this activity. The teacher only asked her students about colour, shape and number of the fruit. But I like the teacher style when she teach about family, number and colour. Because she teaches her students with games and good opened question, so without conscious students have learned a lot from these questions. After discuss, we continue to make a good lesson plan for primary school and do micro teaching in next week. I hope my group can do the best for this activity.

The Creative Teachers- Diyanta Wiga Pratama

Teachers are model for education, their are our inspiration for develop the skill, although we can learn something be self ( autodidact ), but if we study something than we can’t to solve the problem, then we continue to consider the ideas that we impose no know right or wrong, it will be what future generations, because the root causes of poor. So, to develop the generation, the country needs someone that expert in this profession, its teachers. So, teacher must be creative to teaching the student, in order to students want study. This case so difficult for teacher, the teacher must study and study again for solves this case. Teachers must be creative to teaching the student, must have innovative and important is prepare to teaching in the class. The great teacher is there are always prepare to teaching in class, have unique lesson plan that creative, always thinking how the student can received the knowledge well and have sensation in their live when study in class. Lesson plan very important to guide the course of lessons in classroom. And we’re the next generation of teacher that to will change this country to become better, must can to making lesson plan before teaching in classroom, and creative to make it in order to the student active. Teacher should use SCL ( Student Centre learning ), that student can improve their thinking skill be self, not TCL ( Teaching Centre learning ) that always teachers focus teaching. Moreover teachers should know the characteristic of every students. And teachers should be know to change paradigm of student that the material like mathematics, physics is not difficult.

Diyanta Wiga Pratama
2010 11 00 44
Fikri Al Fattah - Second class in P.E.T.A – “Video and Reflection to be Creative and Interactive in Teaching…”

In the meeting the lecturer show us an Interesting video. The video shows us about teaching possess about thematic teaching possess  in an elementary school. I can take lessons from the video that as teacher candidate and get successful in teaching, we should : 

1.       Making Lesson plan
we prepare and make it to make the teaching possess effective. But sometimes although we have made it, the teaching process still run ineffectively. So, from the video I can learn that we should prepare the teaching will be effective and creative
2.       Avoid TCL (Teaching Centre Learning)
Actually, we can’t leave this model fully, but we can’t make this model be majority model in our teaching presses. Because when we use it majority in our teaching, our students will be keep silent and inactive. Then they will be sleepy and do unbenefit something else. And for the solution we can use SCL (Students Center Learning) as our teaching models. And this model will make our students more active.

3.       Interactive and Creative Teaching
Especially for elementary students. They more using visual and more like concert than abstract. From the video I see that when the teacher does a story telling, her students do something else and don’t notice to the teacher. Because the teacher doesn’t make it interactive. She only ‘’cuap –cuap’’. For the solution, the teacher can exhibit the story when she tells the story or changes her sounds be more colorful. So her students can be interest to hear her story.

4.       Out Door or In Door “Depends” The Teacher
Actually, we know that outdoor education is more interesting and interactive. But it won’t run well if we don’t manage and prepare the time allocation for the activity. But it will be good education if we can manage the time and our students. In other hand, in door education is good also. But sometimes it will be bored when the teacher can’t make it creative and interactive. But to solve these problems, the teacher can give education props to make teaching interesting.

Second activity in the meeting is reflection to be interactive teacher. From all suggestion from my friends, I can make get that to be interactive teaching and learning, we should use TCL no SCL and make CREATIVE no TRADITIONAL in teaching.
From the lecturing I can get a point also and reflect with my experiences in my education in Senior High School and Junior High School. I know ‘’Activity Focused’’ and ‘’Covered Oriented’’.


I know that my almost my last education is be Covered Oriented, so it only come to right ear and go out from other ear and can’t imprint fully. I Think Activity Focused will be good method. It can imprint to students with the practice and they can cover the material from the practice.

2010110034 – “Changes The System Oriented”

sintha kusuma wardhani

-the second meeting -
teacher is a doctor, yeah doctor for educational, psychologists to students, and designers for its class. talking about  teacher is a designer, in a second meeting in the classroom PETA video shows mom teaching thematic Lidya discussed together in class. whether the activities performed in the video is whether effective or ineffective. see the video, the teaching done much better with what I get when I elementary school. Lidya mom explained there are two kinds of design classes are activity-focused coverage approach. learning activities undertaken in the video is different from learning activities that I get when I elementary school because of different designs. in video, learning using activity-focus, which lasted learning fun with a focus on the activities undertaken. whereas when my elementary school, teachers use a coverage approach, in which teachers could teach in the classroom and completed the instructional material without seeing her students understanding. in the discussion of this second meeting, much was learned to make effective classroom while teaching in ways that are interesting to students. such as direct observation, so that students are directly involved in activities and receiving the information. and a very expensive lesson that I took in this meeting is "no matter how great a teacher to design classes, TEACHERS SHOULD GET EVENT students, EXACTLY CHARACTERS and THEIR BEHAVIOUR in order to know and understand their students so that teaching and learning can take place either in accordance with what the objectives of  learning.


nice discussion mom...

sintha kusuma wardhani

Septy Cartika Sari_2nd Session_2010110036

In the second meeting PETA is more fun because when the opening activity we remember name and breakfast all of classmates because of this is include Bloom’s Taxonomy. It will be to learn in this session. After that we watched video about learning process in the classroom and we analyzed opening, closing, main activity and assessment from teacher in the video. And then we discuss the video. There is effective and ineffective activity in the video. Effective activity is presentation in group and the student to observation in environment. Ineffective activity is story telling because it makes students sleepy. But it will be effective if the teacher involve the some students to acting based on the story with different voice.
I think being a teacher of elementary school is very difficult because the students in elementary cannot to abstract thinking, we must explain use real activity. If I be teacher in the video I will do the same thing by getting them to look Rambutan trees but I ask to them explorer more from the tree such as roots, stems, leaves, fruits, etc.  And end activity we ask to design lesson plan. When we second semester or first semester we always make lesson plan, so this is common activity for us.
The methodology in SSE and my senior high school is same because always use technology to teach, always give students game when the students is bored, always welcome to students, students can make teacher as friends.
I hope when we do microteaching in the next session we can do the best and when I am being teacher later I can do the best like all of teacher in SSE.

Septy Cartika sari