
Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

Dwi Sintia_2010110020_Mathematics_Section B_PETA_E-Reflection about Feedback

Accoarding to Outline of SENLEF report of (, which about “Student Enhanced Learning through Effective Feedback”, it is have ways to achieved it, such as through : 1. Briefing Paper on formative assessment and feedback and self-regulation of learning, 2. Conceptual model, 3. 7 principles of good feedback practice, 4. Simple strategies, 5. 50 case studies of good practice, and 6. Publication available on HEA website. From the matter that, there is a key message, which related with it, is a “Formative assessment and feedback by others can only have an impact on learning when it influences a student’s own self-regulatory processes - whereby learners set goals” (adapted from Boud, 1995).
So, in the learning, a teacher must be creative to make a condition in the classroom become interactive between students and teacher. One of to make an interactive between students and teacher, which the teacher must be creative to make good question to lure interest the students and understanding of them. And of that is also a way to a teacher able do assessment toward the students. Apparantely, when the teacher gave a commendation or feedback to the students, then, the teacher must be also giving an explaination with clear, why is that the students can be able an approbation of the teacher. So, the students will be able know about what must be they do to do something become better.
Accoarding to my reflection, when I still become a student in the senior, secondary, or elementary school, which commonly my teacher as average, my teacher is very seldom in the giving feedback toward their students. My teachers is only gave feedback in the end semester, and that only gave when distribution raport. So, when do learning in the classroom my teacher is seldom give feedback toward their students. And I hope, in the course of PETA, I can learn more deeply about feedback, and I hope, I can apply my knowledge about feedback and can apply toward my students in the future.

feeddback and questioning

in our last class in PETA, we have learned about feedback and questioning,
in the first, we have played "lempar-lemparan bola" that used by Ms Lidya to give us know by our self about how a good feedback is.....
as we may know that feedback is one of important tool in learning processes that can be used to know the students' thinking developmental and how much the progress is...
as my experience in my high school, there was a teacher that give his commented in my exam result with positive way and he make me confident to make the better. in other way,, feedback that delivered by good way can be motivate the students to learn harder. with this one,,,as a teacher candidate who know about feedback, i think i will very need this tool in my future to make my students better and better...
as a teacher candidate i also know that give questioning is one of important way to communicate both of lesson and students' understanding. using questioning in learning processes is important to confirm students' understanding, and as a teacher candidate we need to know how to give positive questioning to make students motivated by us...

Harisyah Tyas Prastiti

Giving Feedback_diyanta wiga pratama_2010110044

Education is a fundamental right for children of the nation, even the duty to preserver the progress of children in every nation. Therefore children in Indonesia are required to attend school for an education. In the process of receiving this education of children should also maximum in science achievement, or reaches a minimum standard of children's learning through assessment purposes. And for achieving maximum results in question, the teachers Indonesia should be able to apply effective learning process ass using the methods of good teaching, whether DI, GD, TG and others. After the methods were done, then it is time teacher assessment and evaluation of methods in use, has a maximum and suitable method. Sure gives the assessment and evaluation of student learning outcomes. Afterwards, the teacher will get the actual information about student learning outcomes, and if the students have not yet reached the goal of learning, then teachers can provide feedback that name / giving feedback. Intended for students to know well what they have accomplished, so that they learn better in order to achieve the target of the learning objectives. Feedback is also a positive thing for students, provided that the teacher gave him a friendly or right, where away from the bullying feel like using a high tone in the provision of feedback / good intentions to give feedback, feedback improved, but told him in class and all students know about it, it can drop the self-esteem of students.
Giving proper feedback, preferably after learning / one material completed, so that before the existence of replicates per-chapter / daily student can fix bugs. Giving feedback that accumulate / him after the end of the semester is less well even very bad, because students will not be able to prove the improvement in the chapter that they are less understood / weak. We know, the lesson has been stopped, passed anyway. Not necessarily the same chapter they meet later in the semester.
Just as my time in high school, rarely there is not even my teacher who gives feedback on the above mentioned, let alone at the end of the semester, a year was not there. Except for two third-grade teacher in my senior high school, that is the Bahasa Indonesia and Biology. Evidently, the presence of feedback at the end of the lesson, during exams daily, we are always good value. Another thing with teachers who do not give, even though we are a great value, but only a few students, while others are bad, it's very sad all the things that happened. Should teachers nurture their students wholeheartedly, until they reach the maximum!
Therefore, let us as a professional teacher candidates the great teacher and example, fully to be able to apply effective methods, can learn and implement assessment and evaluation, can certainly give a true and useful feedback to the development of our students will .

E-Reflection week 11 Principle of effective teaching and assessment

          Good feedback practice is not only about providing good information to the students about learning but also providing good information to teachers. Yes, that’s what I’ve learned on the last meeting in PETA course and what I feel inside about the importance of the giving feedback in teaching and learning process.  It is very powerful and I think it’s potentially constructive learning tools. Teachers give feedback messages to students about the strength and weakness in their work assuming that these messages are easily decoded and turned into action. In Yorke’s assumption (2003), teachers need to be careful when delivering the feedback and don’t make the feedback falls short of what is actually necessary to help students close the gap in the learning process between the current learning achievements of the students and the goal set by the teacher. Based on my observation during school experience program last year, less incompatibility type of feedback given will give the negative impact for students. They became a pessimistic, unmotivated and lacking of self esteem because of teachers’ reprimand. In contrast, the positive feedback increased students’ motivation in learning and improved subsequent performance.

            Based on my experience, positive feedback is also effective to encourage teacher and peer dialogue around learning and deliver high quality information to students about learning. Let’s reflect on what we often do during group discussion activity in PETA course. There were always many feedbacks both teacher and the students when we discussed about some topics.  Of course, it became the evident that feedback as dialogue means is very crucial and don’t expect that the discussion activity will take place meaningfully and effectively without any feedback on it. I realized the importance of the feedback itself. As long as my existence especially in learning, the positive feedback from teacher and peers provides the additional information that can help me in reassess my knowledge and get an immediate response to difficulties. It also serves as an authoritative reference point against so that it directly helps me to check out and correct misunderstanding.    

            Finally, at the end of this reflection, I conclude that any model of feedback must take account of the way students make sense of and use, feedback information. When teaching trough feedback, teachers need to be aware of the feedback itself. Feedback should be relevant to the task and in hand and to students. Back to the purpose of using feedback in learning is actually to provide additional information that can improve students’ understanding about a material. It means that the higher the understanding and mastery of the material and learning outcomes, the higher the success rate of learning.

Himmatul ‘Aliyah

Feedback and Questioning
In PETA class yesterday, I have discussed about feedback and questioning. I think a good feedback is a feedback that given when students doing assessment after lesson. And then the assessment can show how far the students understanding. If there are some students have low score, teacher can doing additional meeting for these students and to make sure all students understudying the material, teacher can give students post test again. Besides that, feedback can become motivation for the students in learning. As an example when I in senior high school, my teacher always give me feedback and show the part of my mistake when I have low score in my assessment. From that I have learn and improve my lesson. So as the teacher candidate I wants to try it is to my students in my class later.
Another that, in PETA class I have learn questioning, as the teacher candidate have to arrest with positive thinking every students’ questions. If teacher don’t know about the answer, we can discuss with another students and if all students also have not any idea, teacher can keep this questions in the next meeting. And then in the next meeting don’t forget to show the answer of this question. Oke my friends we as teacher candidates must be good teacher ya!!!!!!..

Septy Cartika sari

Reflection .. ??

Actually, this week, I couldn't to join in PETA class with Miss Lidya and my great friend in section B :D because I getting sick :(
And I know, all of you really miss me, right .. ? :p
But when I want to do my reflection and publish it, honestly, i confuse what will I talk about in my reflection :p
Buuuuutttt , my herooo El :p
be the first one which is can be lighter for me . hhoho :)
and also my sweeeetyy friend, Ita 'Gibol' ;)
She is very nice and patiently to explain about the materials which are discuss in PETA class :)

ok ,
This time to my reflection ;)
So far, I get info which this week we talk about feedback :)
hhm , is this same like a questions?
because when we talk about feedback, we can find  one way feedback and two ways feedback (direct and postpone)
But honestly, I feel the teachers, especially all of my teachers until senior high school still use one way feedback unconsciously.
hhm , but I remember my teacher in senior high school they're biology teacher and mathematics teacher. I think they one of all my teacher which use two ways feedback :)
And I happy, enjoy, and they are very inspiring me to be a teacher like right now :D
And I hope, when the future I will be a teacher, I can be like them, even exceed them and also be a great teacher to change the education in Indonesia be better than now ;)

Do you agree with me ... ??
You must agree :p

*Fransiska Indah

Jumat, 16 Desember 2011

“The art of questioning is one of the basic skills a good teaching” Socrates.

I got some new knowledge again from the last session of PETA. Last meeting we have learned about two types of question feedback that are convergent and divergent questioning. The type of questioning is also important for us to know because it’s useful when we give some question to our students. Such as when we give some instruction and assignment or when we do some discussion, we should give a good question to our students because through good questioning teachers can extract not only factual information, but aid learners in: connecting concepts, making inferences, increasing awareness, encouraging creative and imaginative thought, aiding critical thinking processes, and generally helping learners explore deeper levels of knowing, thinking, and understanding.
I want to share to you all, have you ever found some question in paper and pencil test like: mention and explain …bla..bla…”? If we are students and we will solve the problem, I think we can’t answer it although we know the answer because we don’t know how to solve. From this experience, I have learn that if we give some question, we should give contextual question. 

Senin, 12 Desember 2011

my reflection

talk about formative and summative assessment.
Formative assessment is used during the learning process daily tests for example, round robin, while summative assessment is used at the end of learning for example UAS. But the formative assessment and summative assessment depending on the destination. If the goal to improve the learning process and only some chapters are then menggunakkan formative, whereas if the student's ability to see the extent of understanding learning, and students will be using the summative data. My hope, if a teacher understands how to assess students and pay attention to the learning process itself.

Reflection about summative and formative assessment

             Sorry, I’m late to post it. I just can remember that the differences between summative and formative assessment is about the time when we want to conduct it and the main or the goals. Summative assessment is conduct at the end of the all process. It’s like UN and selection test when we have registration in SSE. This type of assessment is more to know about the student’s ability to follow the next level or the process in SSE. Whereas, the formative assessment along the learning process. Goal of formative assessment is know the level of students’ understanding. We can use it to evaluate the effectiveness of our teaching. We can choose either we do the same method and instruction or use the new one. I’m very surprise when I know it have different goals. When I was high school student, I didn’t know about the two types of assessment and it goals. And now, I know how important this two types of assessment.   

Minggu, 11 Desember 2011

Reflection oh reflection.

oh my god.
this week is my best week in this year because of i have so many many many assignments when i was sick...
ok this is my reflection.
about my last PETA class in the material SUMMATIVE AND FORMATIVE assessment.
you all know that formative is a assessment that used during the lesson...
this kind of assessment is used for make the students have deeper understanding than before, and make them better in learning because with formative, as a teacher we give them a feedback...
and also we know about summative, summative is an assessment that used in the end of the lesson, and usually for grading, like final exam...mid test, etc.
as a teacher candidate we must know well about both of the assessment for implement in the class, in future.....
both of assessment have purpose each that we can change must know how to use in the right time and right places....

harisyah tyas

My reflection

hhmm , my reflection ..
for now, i will talk about assessment, especially formative and summative :)
for formative assessment, this assessment is used during the learning process. while summative assessment is used for the end of the learning process, such as final exams and the semester examination.
but in fact, the nature of formative assessment or summetive depending how to look and fit for the purpose of assessment. if the assessment is taken to use as study materials or repairs, then the assessment is formative. whereas if the assessment is taken to use as a student outcome data, then the assessment is summative.
as a prospective teacher, I hope to really understand about the assessment and also process it. and can also prepare various types of assessments for my students adapted to the abilities of students


*Fransiska Indah