the third meeting with class B in Peta with Ms. Lidya so very amazing because we did micro teaching and many discussed..
in the first time we have practice to be HRD a school and there are 2 teacher candidate who be selected to teach in that school. the first teacher is from ITB mathematics,an the second one is from SSE education Math. from this practice we have analyzed which one be good teacher and which one is better. from this activity we have discussed,what the criteria to be a good teacher, from math or math education. the second activity we have discussed about the teaching learning style. we made a group of 4 students and each of the students be expert to discussed about the material with expert students from other group..and then the expert group back to their home group to explain what the material they got. from this discussion we made a conclusion that the best way in the teaching learning processes is students center learning when the students actively involve in the learning processes .Ms.Lidya made the learning processes very interesting and make the students especially me understand about the material . and the last activity is micro teaching. and my group be the first group that having presentation. my group took about science for first grade in elementary school. okay actually the third meeting so amazing.......
Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011
Reflection of Harisyah Tyas Prastiti
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Umi Salamah_E-Reflection 3_Math2010
I got a interesting experience in the third meeting of PETA, such us My friends and me did role play become HRD team and as a college of SSE that applying work in a high school. Randomly, I got a HRD team role. The people who got a team HRD have to make prepare with several questions to interview that candidate of teachers. I was happy when I am part of HRD team. Because, its train me to make a assessment classification, what is our expectation, and what will we prepare and do to reach the expectation. In asses someone, we have to objective and don’t just judgment from the cover. Teacher has to asses with look in all of part, not only one side. Instead of that, I also learn about the way of teacher to present the learning process in class, such us Lecturer Discussion and group discussion. The conclusion that I got that student center learning method is important to make a class effective, but it’s not mean that teacher has not role. In here, teacher as a facilitators to help students to increase the critical Thinking students and then they can understand deeper about the lesson. Because of that, I want to be a great a teacher, such us make a creative learning method that can share with another student.
Umi Salamah
Math Department
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E-Reflection_Susi Dariah_#3rd meetings
Well, this is my third reflection and I am going to review some activities that I’ve done in PETA class last Tuesday. Actually I was really enjoying those activities because there’re some bodily activities that keep my spirit on and also being not bored at that time. I was really like the learning process because Mrs. Lydia was very creative in packaging the material. We learned about some models of instruction but actually we have been applied those models of instruction by Mrs. Lydia. For instance, in the opening session Mrs. Lydia guides us to practice ‘lecture discussion’ which is one of models instruction. She also provides us to do ‘group discussion’ in which we were asked to discuss about models of instruction in expert group and transfer the result to the main group. By previously reading the material from the resources that she provides, Mrs. Lydia guides us to discover our understanding by ourselves. It shows that she applied ‘guided discover’ in her teaching process. Of course, for the ‘direct instruction’ she also applied in our activity. But, unfortunately Mrs. Lydia didn’t tell and discuss with us that we have done what we learned about models of instruction. I think it will be clearer for us if we reflect that what we have done is the real example of those models of instruction.
Besides that, we also had micro teaching as the last activity. I guess that last Tuesday there would be some of groups that present their lesson plan and I also hoped my group could present it. I was wrong of it because just one group who had micro teaching whereas my group has prepared the learning tools. But don’t worry, may be my group will present the lesson plan next session, so wait for that time, guys. ^^
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Susi Dariah (2010110024)
Third Meeting Reflection
E-Reflection PETA
Last Tuesday, October 4th 2011, we learnt about Models of Instruction. It is so interesting topic. In fact, we can combine several models of instruction in one time. We learnt this topic by using Jigsaw method. Actually learning by Jigsaw method is effective. Unfortunately time for each student to read the material to be an expert is very limit. So, some of student had not finished yet when we were asked to share each other what we had read. Another problem in learning process yesterday was the difference comprehension among students although they have read the same topic and share about the reading. Hopefully next meeting, Ibu Lidya wants to give us more explanation about Models of Instruction in order that we have same comprehension about Models of Instruction one another. Besides the difference comprehension among students, there is worry that we have made wrong conclusion about what we have read because of our ability in English which is not very well.
Yesterday, one of team presented about their lesson plan. It is very excited, we can learn from the other teams. Unfortunately, the other friends are like less respect. I think we have to cooperative. I mean, we have to respect when another team was doing presentation. We have to respect each other and support each other about microteaching, because if there is a student that makes a noisy, the microteaching cannot run well.
That’s all my reflection for this week. Hopefully we can be more cooperative in the class.
Devi Heryanti 2010110010
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Devi Heryanti
E_Reflection_Deshinta_Hey guys, do your best microteaching.. I know you're all a crazy teacher..make it fun :)
Today’s meeting is great. At the beginning we read a file of Lecture Model in teaching learning process. Class was divided by four part of lecture model. And at that time I learn about Direct Instruction. Then, we were discussing about the material in expert group. After that, we are discuss in group of four which is contains of four lecture model. At that time, I’m still in confusing way, because after analyze 3 of the model, it seems similar and related. I and my group try to find the differences and because of it we are not discuss about the fourth model yet. Going to the class, my lecturer asks us about the discussion, evaluates and makes a conclusion. Finally I get the point of the meaning the fourth lecture model. But actually I didn’t understand clearly about the differences.
Going to expert group, then change to original group for discussion is an effective way of teaching learning process. But it is needed several times in debating and analyzing, so I think if we are going to have discussion like that we have to prepare enough time for it. So the lesson will deliver appropriately.
A next activity, class was divided by 3. The first one is being fresh graduated of mathematics education, second one as fresh graduated of mathematics sciences, and the last one as Human Resource Development or Principles. We are three acts as an interview process and the principle have to decide the person they choose as teacher. That is a fun activity; in my experiences interview is always tense situation but when we are in acting ways that is so funny. Because the acting means we are all laid at that time, so we can act and say as good as possible. But it is nice and effective way in showing as the reality of life when we are graduated. I’m afraid because a few people know about my college, but in another side I have a positive thinking of myself. A good man is not shown by the background only, but also by the character. And I believe SSE can develop me being a high quality of teacher.
And the last activity, the group chosen was doing the micro-teaching. I don’t know what’s wrong with my friends, a semester before all of us can do a really amazing micro-teaching, but in this time they don’t do the best. I think they are not well prepared and the team spirit is not enough. I hope the next micro-teaching, they or me can do the best. That’s all
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sintha kusuma wardhani
The third meeting was impressive, a lot of expensive lessons gained there. as prospective teachers, the most important thing in teaching and learning is not only the contents of the subject matter alone, but the ways / methods of delivering lessons that teachers commonly known as the instruction is also an important thing for the well prepared. with good and clear insrtuksi will facilitate students in understanding the material presented by the teacher. at the third meeting, the mother Lidya describes several kinds of teaching methods in class, among others: direct instruction, lecturer, discussion, guided discovery, and group discussion. it was very rewarding for me and my friends when the teacher later, which means / methods of delivery are very important in teaching and learning. I remember at school, my teacher only explained by the method of learning which I think is very boring and make the grade to be less effective in belajar.dengan learning model of instruction, can increase our knowledge to teach our students later. equipped with the closing of our practice when a teacher later. waw ..... amazing mom ... we can work to create effective learning by using all sorts of good instruction ...
hopefully next dipertemuan us more aware of and deepen these methods and can be applied.
thanks mom ...
sintha Kusuma Wardhani
hopefully next dipertemuan us more aware of and deepen these methods and can be applied.
thanks mom ...
sintha Kusuma Wardhani
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Third meeting
Class starts with role play job interviews, we were divided into 3 groups and my group as a principal whose job interviewing candidates of teacher for my school , in role play, I study and prepare myself if I finish school and be in the interview.
After that I learned about the model of instruction which is divided into 4 : direct instruction, lecturer discussion, guided discovery learning, and group discussion. Four models all have their strengths and weaknesses and I learned it all. All models could be applied in teaching to complement each other. As a teacher I should be able to convey interesting and understandable instructions with all my students. Therefore delighted when I learned yesterday the model of instruction. After that we were studying micro teaching to prepare the final exam. I learned to assess my friends who are doing micro teaching.
After that I learned about the model of instruction which is divided into 4 : direct instruction, lecturer discussion, guided discovery learning, and group discussion. Four models all have their strengths and weaknesses and I learned it all. All models could be applied in teaching to complement each other. As a teacher I should be able to convey interesting and understandable instructions with all my students. Therefore delighted when I learned yesterday the model of instruction. After that we were studying micro teaching to prepare the final exam. I learned to assess my friends who are doing micro teaching.
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Wiyarsih (2010110008)
Khoirul umam 2010110038 - The third meeting
First impression: micro teaching??? SSE vs IPB? Interview.
On Tuesday, October 4, 2011, we met again with PETA. We have jigsaw reading activity. We divided on four groups, each group became expert groups. Each expert group discuss about a topics. It is Direct Instruction, Lecture Discussion, Guided Discovery Learning, and Groups Discovery Learning. I think we have good activity, we discussed about a topic in expert group and then we shared to our group. I always like Jigsaw, because from Jigsaw we have more material.
Other activity we divided again on 3 groups, it is graduation of IPB, Graduation of SSE, and headmaster. We did simulation job interview. This nice activity, I like this activity, but I still don’t know correlation between this activity with PETA.
And the last, there was group which micro teaching and we became the students. I think we will teach in secondary school, but we often micro teaching to elementary school. I think that is so different, I want suggest maybe for next assignment, we can microteaching for secondary school.
Why do you want to become teacher?
(when I hear question like that, I remember interview in a movie “front of class”)
Because I feel I born to become teacher, I feel became teacher is my soul mate.
*Khoirul umam
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khoirul umam (2010110038)
The Third Meeting for PETA
Waw... this is third time I write reflection about PETA. Well, October 4th, 2011, that meeting for me very incredible. We did role play to interviewed. I was really confused when I choose one person who is the best one. For this activities, so many characteristics of applicant, their skill, their background, etc. But, just one i get. There is teacher must have experience to understand about the character their students.
Then, we discussed (JigSaw). we discussed about types of learning, there are direct instruction, lecturer discussion, guided discovery learning, and group discussion. For direct instruction, i got, this type is like conventional learning. Teacher just give explaining about the topic (Teacher Centered-Learning). For the second type, teacher give a explain about the topic and then teacher ask student about their understanding and their opinion about the topic (discuss). For the third type, teacher give scaffolding so student develop their understanding their self. For the last, student work into groups and solve the problem into their group.
For the last session, my group presented our lesson plan. This is very difficult because we were only given a little time for presented it. But, i was relieved.
Jefri Saputra
Then, we discussed (JigSaw). we discussed about types of learning, there are direct instruction, lecturer discussion, guided discovery learning, and group discussion. For direct instruction, i got, this type is like conventional learning. Teacher just give explaining about the topic (Teacher Centered-Learning). For the second type, teacher give a explain about the topic and then teacher ask student about their understanding and their opinion about the topic (discuss). For the third type, teacher give scaffolding so student develop their understanding their self. For the last, student work into groups and solve the problem into their group.
For the last session, my group presented our lesson plan. This is very difficult because we were only given a little time for presented it. But, i was relieved.
Jefri Saputra
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At the third meeting in PETA class, I felt very happy, because it could play a role in interviews for work. I think though that just while and probably not very important for the friend - another friend. But I feel it can be made in reflection for us later to prepare themselves when faced with job interview like that. And it turns experience is our supporters accepted employment.
and then we discuss about the models of instruction which consists of direct instruction, lecture discussion, theguided discovery learning, and learning about multiple intelligences. that where is third models in which an instruction has much in common, such as the role of teachers in building students' understanding, and I think this model is good for us to apply it later when we became teachers. Continued the latter we provide assessment of our friends who do presentations.
I'm just a little give reflection,hehehehe
but there are points that can be delivered by me
,.. ^_^,..
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E-Reflection week 3 Principle of effective teaching and assessment
It’s not different with the last assignment of PETA course, every student has to make a reflection about what they have learned in PETA course in the last meeting.
As usual, the whole activities in last meeting are amazing but it was different with the previous meeting. Do you agree with me??? yaa,,,We did some interesting activities such as class discussion, microteaching and one of the most favorite activity of the last meeting was acting as a principle in a school that wants to recruit a teacher for my school. Hemt,,,It was quite difficult for me, actually. I had to imagine how to be a good principle. Besides that, I had to make some questions for the interview and had to think which one deserved to be a teacher at my school. Hahhaha,,,,It was wonderful and will never be forgotten. Hemt,,,By the way, congratulation to Umam. You were accepted as a teacher in my school…:)
Creating the effective learning is important to make students enjoy with the class and enhance their understanding about the material concept. Ya,,That was the main topic that we discussed about. Basically, besides have a content knowledge, teachers must have pedagogical content knowledge. Why? By having a good pedagogical knowledge, teachers are expected to represent and communicate content in a good way so that, students best learn the specific concepts and topic of a subjects. In pedagogical content knowledge, there are some instruction models that can make the teaching and learning process effectively. Cooperative learning models, group interactions models, direct interaction models, and lecture discussion models. On that day, Mrs. Lidya asked me to make a group expert and discussed about a topic that was determined. Fortunately, my group expert got the familiar topic about group interaction models. But, before we had a discussion session, Mrs Lidya asked us to read the article that related with all of the topics that would be discussed on that day.
Talking about group interaction models, absolutely it is important for students. It allows students to co construct knowledge and building on the ideas of others. It’s really help students to view ideas in different ways. Besides that, working in a group work can help students to create team spirit and encourage students to help each others. So, it is very unfortunate if teachers don’t implement the models in their class. Based on the last discussion, there is something that we need to emphasize related to the using group interaction models in teaching and learning process? As we know that the weakness of this group interaction models is the presence of some students who don’t work in team, so that they only rely on his friends alone. That is way, teachers need to emphasize to each member of group to work together to reach their goal. Teachers not only assess the product that have generated by each group, but also need to assess the performance of individual in each group. It’s good to improving the individual accountability of each member in the group so that, they have a responsible for meeting learning objectives as measured by quizzes, tests or individual assignments. Without individual accountability, the most able students in the group may do all the work, with teammates being ignored.
Actually, the instruction models such as cooperative learning, group interaction, direct interaction or lecture discussion are well done if it used alternately in teaching process. Students will be excited on class and don’t get bored on the activities.
Hemt,,,,I think it’s enough for my reflection of the last meeting. I wish there are many interesting activities that will we do in PETA on the next meeting.
Thanks to Mrs Lidya who have successfully made us as your students enjoy with your class. Hahahahah
Himmatul 'Aliyah
Mathematics Department
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Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011
Third E-reflection in PETA Class :)
October 4th 2011 ..
In third meeting, we discuss about all of learning. Types of learning, how make a effective teaching, etc. In opening activity, we have a games like a interview which our as students in group have a job, like role play as a headmaster from a school, as teacher of candidate from ITB, and as teacher of candidate from SSE. In this games have a purpose that as practice when we will volunteered as a new teacher from that school.
In addition, in third meeting we in our group also discuss about types of learning according to note (article) that we had read before. Actually, there are have 4 types such as direct instruction, lecturer discussion, guided discovery learning, and group discussion.
In direct instruction that as a teacher, we give the instruction directly, step by step and also give an example for students. Actually, its a TCL or Teacher Centered Learning but TCL of effective.
In lecturer discussion that have a reinforcement schedules, an overview, and theoritical foundation. Actually, a reinforcement schedules are the positive reinforcement. And in this types have 3 level according to frequency of rewards differs such as :
In group discussion is a type of learning that the students will be learn in their group. But actually this type has a positive and negative things. A positive thing from this type is can help students for develop their critical thinking, and a negative thing from this type is the teacher must be control their discussion, because in discussion there is possibility the students discuss the different thing which is out of context.
In third meeting, we also assess our friend which is their presentation of micro-teaching in group. Actually in this session will be dilemma for us, because we must objective.
*Fransiska Indah
In third meeting, we discuss about all of learning. Types of learning, how make a effective teaching, etc. In opening activity, we have a games like a interview which our as students in group have a job, like role play as a headmaster from a school, as teacher of candidate from ITB, and as teacher of candidate from SSE. In this games have a purpose that as practice when we will volunteered as a new teacher from that school.
In addition, in third meeting we in our group also discuss about types of learning according to note (article) that we had read before. Actually, there are have 4 types such as direct instruction, lecturer discussion, guided discovery learning, and group discussion.
In direct instruction that as a teacher, we give the instruction directly, step by step and also give an example for students. Actually, its a TCL or Teacher Centered Learning but TCL of effective.
In lecturer discussion that have a reinforcement schedules, an overview, and theoritical foundation. Actually, a reinforcement schedules are the positive reinforcement. And in this types have 3 level according to frequency of rewards differs such as :
- continuous, that is we as a teacher give the reinforcement to our students in every time
- extinction, that is we as a teacher never give the reinforcement to our students
- intermittent, that is we as a teacher give the reinforcement to our student but just sometimes not everytime. And actually this type is divided to 2 such as: ratio schedule as a type the reinforcement schedule which according to students' behavior and interval schedule as a type the reinforcement schedule which according on the time.
In group discussion is a type of learning that the students will be learn in their group. But actually this type has a positive and negative things. A positive thing from this type is can help students for develop their critical thinking, and a negative thing from this type is the teacher must be control their discussion, because in discussion there is possibility the students discuss the different thing which is out of context.
In third meeting, we also assess our friend which is their presentation of micro-teaching in group. Actually in this session will be dilemma for us, because we must objective.
*Fransiska Indah
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Fransiska Indah
Dwi Sintia - 2010 11 00 20
On Tuesday ago, exactly date 4 October 2011, this is the third meeting for me in the course PETA (Principles of Effective Teaching and Assessment) with mother Lydia. In the third meeting this, I studied about Models of Instruction, such as Direct instruction, Lecture-discussion, Guided discovery, and Multiple intelligences. But when before I and my friends ordered to read about it, really I am not understand about it, and after mom Lydia ordered me and my friends to discuss about it, and I start to understand about it. Now, I know about direct instruction, which that is as teacher center learning. And Direct instruction too have strengths and too weakness, to strengths such as lectures help students acquire information not readily accessible in other ways, lectures help students integrate information from a variety of sources, and lectures expose students to different points of view. And to weakness such as lectures don’t effectively attract and maintain students’ attention, lectures don’t allow teachers to check students’ perceptions, lectures impose a heavy cognitive load on students, and lectures put students in passive roles.
And if about Lecture-discussion, according to Eggen & Kauchak (2010) explain that typically asks questions between short presentations of information and class can be engaged in discussions. And Lecture-discussion phases such as introduction and review, presenting information, comprehension monitoring, and integration. After that, if about Guided discovery phases are as follow, introduction and review, the open-ended phase, the convergent phase, closure, and application. And if about multiple intelligences explain that according to Gardner, he defines intelligences as, the ability to solve problems that one encounters in real life, the ability to generate new problems to solve, the ability to make something or offer a service that is valued within one’s culture. And I wish after I studied all that, I can use to collaborate all that.
(references from module PETA)
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Kamis, 06 Oktober 2011
Reflection PETA. Third meeting.
I feel so enjoy when I join this class in the third meeting. We not only talk about the materials that we must know. We also play the role play about interview. So, I can imagine and prepare my self to promote and get the better job. Secondly, we learn about four methods to give instruction when our teach. There are Direct Instruction, Lecturer Discussion, Guided Instruction, and Group Discussion. I get the second one, it's interesting to discuss this topic. Actually, before we start the discussion with jigsaw methods, we must read the article about the expert topic. I think the most favorite things when I do this activities is we have get it in SSE. Of course, every lecturer in our campus have been use or combine that every methods. I hope I can use all of that methods to teach my student in the future as a great and effective teacher.
Redyta Amalia
Redyta Amalia
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Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011
Reflection in third meeting by Ita Suci Pertiwi
Opening activity in class is we review the last material. but we learn in lab not class. it difference and make me refresh for learn material. Mrs Lydia give some material for we read, but firstly we must download the material in we are email. before we read the material, we make a group for read material. One topic can be read one people. I get topic about group discussion. I think this topic the main idea is make group have interaction and can be effective for learn something because in the group can share the material. but can't effective if we discuss not about the material, etc.
After we read the material we share with our group. i happy because i can share another topic with my friend in outclass. my friend give the material so clear for me. next we come class after discussion. and Mrs Lydia make group again. 1 group become a principle from school. and 2 group become a Nelly from ITB Math Dept. 3 group become a Tini from SSE Math Dept. 1 group must change one from group 2 and 3. 1 group must give question for group 2 and 3. Group 2 and 3 must sell our capability, and i think that is simulation for get job must compete with another people.
i think if i have graduate from SSE i can compete with another people for get a job. wow that is make me have higher spirit to the best
: D
Thanks for third meeting Mrs
Ita Suci Pertiwi
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Reflection in third meeting by Septy cartika sari
In the third meeting PETA, we start the lesson with review material in the last session and then we continue the lesson. But in this session there are something difference because we learned in the lab, not in the classroom like usual. After that we are acting interviews between principle and teacher candidate. I got the role as teacher candidate who graduated from SSE. My major is Mathematics. But when I interview, I felt less than maximum to answer the question. But it could be a lesson for me. If one day I will do the interview I must prepared well.
And then we plays jigsaw. That game is we often do, so that is not new thing for our. After that we do micro teaching or practice to be teacher. But in my group not yet to present, we got the last number to present so we can prepare well.
In this session we learned model of interaction. My opinion all of model interaction is well. But depending on the teacher using the model, all can be effective. That model can combine between to other one with another.
Septy Cartika Sari
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- Reflection in third meeting by Ita Suci Pertiwi
- Reflection in third meeting by Septy cartika sari
- Umi Salamah_E-Reflection 2_Math2010
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