
Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011

Reflection about formative and summative assessment

Last Tuesday, my class learnt about assessment again exactly formative and summative assessment. From discussion with my group, I found that formative assessment used when for improve our learning and did on going process in learning, whereas summative assessment used on the end of learning and for determine grade of students.
At this session I learnt more about kinds of assessment for learning. For examples presentation, gallery walk, post test, pre test, essay, exhibition, UAS, UN, quiz, 2 stay 3 stray, etc. Many kinds of assessment give us easy of assessment. It can make students like assessment.
On this session, I also learnt about how to makes effective rubric. As we know that rubric important in assessment because avoid of subjectively. I like Mrs. Lidya’s method when learnt rubric. It was really nice activity where we made a rubric for clapping competition.  From the activity, I conclude that effective rubric must have clear criteria, detail and appropriate with score.
Ok, I think enough from me,,,,  See you in the next reflection.

Khoirul umam 2010110038- 10th PETA

First impression: Formative and Summative Assessment.
On December 6th 2011, we have PETA Subject. We discuss about Assessment more. There is many topics which we discuss that time. We discuss about objective and subjective assessment, how to make good rubrics, and we also discuss about what is formative and summative assessment. I like opening the class, the class opened by Susi and Tiyas, because they late come in class. Actually many students were late, there were at least five students who were too late. For The five student (include me), they must show their talent in front class, to assessed by class (example of subjective assessment), and then Ms. Lidya guide us discuss about that. After that we divided in group. Each group discuss about what is formative and summative assessment? And then we have “gallery walk”.

Formative usually use to alter or improve instruction while it is still going on. Whereas Summative usually use to evaluate the outcomes of the instruction and take the form of tests, projects, term papers, and final exams. 

Think smart.
Think creative.
Think innovative.

Sharing (again).

Well, It's too fast for me to pass this week and sharing (again) the reflection of PETA class last tuesday. Generally, I always really happy to learn PETA in every week because there were always the creative and innovative methods in doing the learning process which is provided by Mrs. Lydia. For instance, when we were going to learn what the important of a rubric, Mrs. Lydia guided us to discuss why the assessment should not be a subjective one, till then we realized that we have to make a rubric when we do the assessment. Besides that, when we were going to learn how to make a rubric, we are provided the fun activity which leads us to consider which ones the good rubric are. The activity is 2011 Clapping Competition, it really a good example for me in which I can learn that there always be a creative way for us as the next generation of teacher to create the fun activity within a fully learning purposes. 

However, I think we have not learned deeper about how to make an effective rubric, because in my opinion we only learned that a good rubric is the clear one which has the detail criteria and the reasonable scoring. I think we have not learned yet to practice in creating an effective rubric.

Nevertheless, I was really grateful because we have much learned about formative and summative assessment, so that I have known that when we would like to create an assessment we should consider the purposes before we judge it as the formative or summative assessment.
Hello dears...

Actually I do not know what I have to reflect for this week, because I did not join our class in last session. How miserable I am, can not learn new things about assessment. But it is okay, never mind. I have asked friend to share about PETA's class in last session.

Last Tuesday, we still learn about assessment. As a matter of fact, assessment is not as simple as I think before. There are a lot of thing about assessment that I have to learn to be able to do assessment well.

There are two types of assessment, sumative and formative assessment. Summative assessment is assessment which is held as long as learning process happen. While formative assessment is assessment which is only held at the end of learning process. It is similar with what I have learnt before about conventional and standard base assessment. According to me, summative assessment is better that formative assessment. By using summative assessment, we not only assess the result of learning proc ess but also the progress of students' comprehension. Unfortunately, based on my experience in school visit several weeks ago, most of teacher in Indonesia still use formative assessment. That's problem is duty for us as a future teacher to make an improvement in doing assessment, to get better education in Indonesia.

reflection about summative and formative assessment

Last meeting I learned about formative and summative assessment. Formative assessment usually on going process in the class, and summative assessment in last process in the class. Homework is one of the example for formative assessment. Homework refers to task assigned to students by their teachers to be completed outside of class. Homework helps students to review the material in the class and for the teacher its can be one of assessment for students. Teacher can know that students understand or still confuse. Students also can discuss with their friends. Teacher must creative to give homework, so students not bored with the assignment.

quizzzzzzzzzz??? owh owh owh

My friends, before We have seen it's not what the assessment and how to assess? It turned out that the assessment there are 2 types of assessments, namely: Formative assessment and summative assessment . Formative assessment is an assessment carried out during the process of learning takes place while the assessment is an summative assessment  seen at the end of the lesson learning process takes place.

 Now, I would like to discuss one formative assessment is a type of quiz (pre test and post test). Why am I discussing this? Because when i senior high school, teachers often hold quizzes or commonly referred to as daily tests. Apparently after I learned PETA, I know that the quiz is an assessment that has enormous benefits in the learning process takes place. Anyone know why the quiz is very useful? Quiz is taking an important role in the conduct of assessment on students because of the quizzes or daily tests conducted to evaluate teachers and students in teaching and learning. Teachers can find out where the subject matter that is still weak and must be deepened, the teacher know if the instructions given so far has been successful or not, and the students also know the ability of each to evaluate where the material that should be studied again, where the material that is already understood.

The things that make a quiz so is one form of assessment is very good in teaching and learning.
So, do not be afraid again ... yes if there are quizzes hehehheehe

Sintha Kusuma Wardhani

Umi Salamah_E-Reflection-Formative & Summative Assesment

Summative or Formative Assesment??

PPRI No 19 In 2005 NSP Pasal 1 ayat 17 show that Assessment is an activity that search, collect, and processing the information to achieve the aims of learning process.  And then the parts of assessment are test, evaluation, measurement, and score.

Assessment consist of two characteristics, they are formative and summative assessment.  Formative assessment is a process assessment which dominant with task or problem in going process. There is revision or can be better base on condition. For example of formative assessment are open question, homework, quiz, post test, and pre test. Whereas the summative is a assessment that make a grade or position students, such as Final Examination, UN, presentation, exhibition, midterm exam. Actually, the different between formative and summative assessment are based on time and purpose of assignment especially. Because sometime there is test that can included of characteristic formative or summative.

For example the test that include between them are quiz. Quiz can given by teacher when ongoing process to know how is far understanding students after explaining.  It’s a formative assessment. But, quiz could be summative assessment when teacher use it to get a score from students or in special time without see ongoing process in class. It’s also for paper and pencil test.

Other example that includes formative and summative assessment is a presentation test.  Presentation in formative assessment can do after finish one material, but in summative assessment can do for final exam. This sample has happened in my campus at Sampoerna School of Education. And then there is rubric for presentation, in order to get an objective score and effective. So, assessment can give teacher for students based on purpose, time, and understanding students.

Umi Salamah
Math Department

Dwi Sintia_2010110020_Math Section B_PETA_E-Reflection about Assessment

Since the first I become a student at SSE, I get many experience in here. Started of the learning and the teaching of my lecturers with various methods learning them. From the matter that, I am sure happy, because I can follow a learning which that learning not I get when I study in senior high school, secondary school, or elementary school. But in SSE, I can get it. The matter which that become interesting for me, because during I study in senior high school, secondary school or elementary school, my teachers use assessment with homework, practice answer the question from the book, and mid test and exam. But, in SSE, I found it with different of last my school. In SSE, I become know about round robin, 2 stay 3 stray, write reflection in blog, project and still many other. So, now I know that an assessment that not only homework, practice answer question from book, mid test and final test, but any other way to do assess to student.
I also have an experience about an assessment, which the matter that I get of my last school experience. From my school experience, I and my friends in the pair teaching when become teacher assistent, I and my friends use round robin, when do assess the students in the class, and apparently the matter that become a new method to students in the school there. I see the students in there feel happy when they do round robin. So, I become interest to use round robin, and I interest to use when I had a teacher. And I also interest with 2 stay 3 stray, why I become interest to 2 stay 3 stray, because I see that can be use to help when I had become a teacher, which the matter that can be help the students more understanding to materials in the learning, and the students can be sharing one other. But also, I must be study hard to learn how become a great teacher and be able make an assessment with can fullfill context materials in the learning. And the matter that also I am studying in the course PETA. So, I hope, which after I learn PETA, I can take many learning of this course.

Dwi Sintia
Mathematics Department
Section B


        all this time i just  know a kinds  of like a evaluation , the presentation, class participation , paper and a pencil test, reflection , daily test , UN , UTS , exhibition , and others . and now i have  know if the  type of assessment that I mentioned above is only divided into two types of assessment IS SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT and FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT. where Formative Assessment conducted at the beginning to the end of the lesson or ongoing process and Formative assessment of outcomes assessment process by ignoring the process, or the end process. For example, UTS, presentation, evaluation, Exhibition is a type of summative assessment, while Participation class, Deuteronomy, daily reflection is a type of formative assessment, paper and pencil test, is entered into the two types of assessment itself, for example, if in use to measure the students' understanding level so this is Formative assessment i but if in use for the final assessment is summative. In my opinion, we as future teachers will have to use both types of assessment in the evaluation. Because the assessment was very good in my opinion, because we can assess many aspects. and we must prepare the assessment rubric before doing the assessment, because that assessment can be objective..^_^


Debate as One of Good Assessment

Therapy for Future

Levels of Performance
1. Organization and Clarity
Viewpoints and responses 
are outlined both clearly 
and orderly.
Unclear in most 
Clear in 
some parts 
but not 
over all
Most clear and 
orderly in 
all parts
Completely clear 
orderly presentation
2. Use of Arguments: 
Reasons are given to 
support viewpoint.
Few or no relevant 
reasons given
reasons given
Most reasons 
most relevant
Most relevant 
reasons given 
in support
3. Use of Examples and Facts: 
Examples and facts are given 
to support reasons.
Few or no relevant 
Some relevant 
Many examples/
facts given: 
most relevant
Many relevant 
supporting examples 
and facts given
4. Use of Rebuttal: 
Arguments made by the 
other teams are 
responded to and 
dealt with effectively.
No effective 
Few effective 
Some effective 
counter-arguments made
Many effective 
counter-arguments made
5. Presentation Style: 
Tone of voice, use 
of gestures, and 
level of enthusiasm 
are convincing 
to audience.
Few style features 
were used; 
not convincingly
Few style 
features were 
used convincingly
All style 
features were used, 
All style features 
were used convincingly

Oke... this is a rubric of debate. One of assessment tools can use this one. Debate is a way to know students' understanding and can improve they critical thinking. We have known about summative and formative assessment. The different between formative and summative, formative is on going process. We as teacher do the assessment when teaching and learning process. But summative is like evaluation after we have done finish the material. Both of them can used as feedback for next session. Back to debate for assess students. Well, in mathematics, we know one of goal of learning mathematics is students can improve their critical thinking because it important for them when they faced in daily life.

Jefri Saputra

Jumat, 09 Desember 2011

UN as a Summative Assessment

At the beginning of the class, I was confused by the two kind of assessment that is formative and summative, because I did not know yet what kind of assessment of them are. I’m absent of the previous meeting about it. And I just realized that I really missing the content. Then, we have to write the differences in a group. Yeay! Thank You God. By the discussion, I get the point of the two kind of assessment. I love the activities, and that activity is really effective in teaching and learning.
Summative assessment is a assessment that held at the end of the whole process in academic period. The purpose of this assessment is to measure students understanding at the end of period. The example: pencil and paper test at final test or mid test; final semester project; final essay; etc. In my opinion the kind of assessment like this has to be very clear and complete for assessing the students. Why? Because this assessment just given once at the end of period and the score will have a huge affect for achievement. So, the preparations have to ready well such as the rubrics, question. They have to be very clear, complete, and complex because it will measure students of the whole period.
One sample of the summative assessment at Indonesia that didn’t agree by me is Ujian Nasional (UN). This kind of assessment being measurement of students for three years, whereas every semester students have being assessed by final test. Back to the purpose of the assessment its self, It is for measuring students achievement for a period, and when it has been complete, reevaluate students is not needed. I think UN is not really appropriate and effective, just imagine that students have already test then they have to repeat again. If the purpose is just for equivalence the education at Indonesia, that’s fine, I mean the score is not being focus of the students’ permit determinant. At the facts, UN being something percent of students’ permit determinant. OK, just take it as a comment for education at Indonesia.
Going back to the summative assessment, we really have to be careful for preparing it.