
Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

School Experience week 2

Hello guys... How is your teaching at school which you visited? It is addictive, isn't it? I think all of us is little sad when we have to go from that school after doing school experience for two weeks (-___-)'!I

As we know, in the second week, we have to implement our lesson plan. And my lesson plan cannot run well because of moving class system. Do you remember about my reflection before? It is about moving class condition. The students came late almost 15 minutes in every meeting. Can you imagine that? (According to me, school must re-think about moving class system and its effect.) And unfortunately, I did not have another plan about learning process. Consequently, I teach in hurry because of limited time. 

Moreover, in SMAIT Nurul Fikri, the duration for learning is not 90 minutes like usual that happen in the other schools but only 80 minutes. And the effect of this condition is my lesson plan cannot run well included the material cannot be delivered well. Some students complain that I teach very fast. But I got so many lessons from that condition. As a great teacher, next we have to prepare another lesson plan or at least make a lesson plan that flexible with the condition where we have to smart in choosing or eliminating some activities which is not too crucial so the material still can be completely delivered.

 Another problem that I got when I was implementing my lesson plan was, the time that students need in doing each activity is out of my prediction. Maybe it happens because I don’t know the characteristics of students well in catching the material. That’s why I can exactly predict time that they need to do discussion, to make a note, to understand the lesson, to do assignment, and etc. From this experience, I know that next is so important for the teacher to know the characteristic of students well and adjusting every activity in the class accordance to the characteristics of students. For teaching in the first time, I felt very bad. But time by time, everything became better. I know the characteristic of students and success in doing adaptation with them. Finally the lesson plan can run well. So happy see the students happy study with me, and of course understand about the material. That's why, it is so sad to leave them when we were became closer.

 Hot issues that we often discuss at campus happened at school that I visited. The title of my master teacher is S.Si, not S.Pd. That’s why he did not too concern about the learning method. The most important thing for him is about the content, how the students can understand the material well. He does not too agree when I implemented fun learning. According to them, the students only focus to the fun, not to the content. Whereas, I tried to build students’ interests in mathematics. If they interested in learning math, they will enjoy the process even the process maybe complicated, they will be fun even the more concentration are needed in learning math.

However I learn so many lessons from him especially about delivering contents. They have amazing way in making review and organizing the content to be delivered in order to make the students easy to understand. He knows how to connect the new material with students’ prior knowledge in order to make a flow of learning became enjoyable. So, to be a complete teacher in facilitating students, it is reprimand for us as a candidate of teacher that besides mastering the pedagogies skill, we also have to mastering the content well although the content is not as deep as them whose title S. Si.

For Ibu Lidya, I send you my observation and interview result detail by email.


Devi Heryanti

1 komentar:

Section B 2010 mengatakan...

I agree with you devi that moving class is not effective because many students come late or absent in class.

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