Not felt done, apparently I have done school experience during one week. In there, I saw many event, which it make I become regain consciousness that task a teacher is very excessively. Situation of my school observe is very nice, facilities of school there is very support to do an activity learning. Each classroom in there had have LCD and AC, and it that can help to make easyly process teaching and learning in the classroom. Except that, this school had cause to be effective billingual learning. So, the teacher in there must have skill in the speak english and can operate computer too, as basic to support fluency learning in the classroom. And the students had use a book too, which the book that is a book billingual.
With little explaination above which it about school facilities in there. Now, I want to tell about my experience when I become a teacher assistant. When the first meeting, where exact on last Monday, I think on the first meeting that is only introduction about this school, but apparently I am wrong, because after introduction apprently I and my friends ordered by master teacher to help him. The master teacher order I and my friends to make a power point and media instructional to became as teaching material on Tuesday. So, as a teacher assistant I and my friends must follow order from master teacher. After that I and my friends do it ordered in the library.
With skill had have by I and my friends, we do task ordered with make become a something creative. Which it I and my friends get from my campus and lecturer lovely. Sure, how very useful knowledges had given by my lecturer. Because apparently knowledges had given by my lecturer is very useful when I faced with event real in the field, which it in the school. The following day I into the class XI IPA 2, and there is a feel rightfully proud when power point and other the material can use in the class, place where I as assistant teacher. But the condition of the classroom of XI IPA 2, the light it still less support to show power point. And when played a video too, it instead become less effective to learning. Because the students become less focus with show picture less distinct. And I and my friends have two master teacher, if the first master teacher order I and my friends to make a learning materials. Different matter with the second master teacher, she order I and my friends to make lesson plan and learning materials to she use when she teach. As a assistant teacher, so I and my friends must do order of master teacher.
When I observe a teacher in this school when the teacher do teaching and learning in the classroom. The teacher still use method direct instruction when teaching in the classroom. And on the first master teacher, she did mentionning result of test. And after that start the lesson, when the lesson had start, in this class I saw that the teacher is more dominate than the students. But, although like that there is actor students too, which the students gived a question and the students ordered to answer. And if on the second master teacher, which the lesson plan is made by I and may friends, so I and my friends make condition in the classroom become student center learning. Which we make grouping and discuss to do the students. With accoarding lesson plan, the learning in the classroom had nice, but sometimes there is structure of schedule did skip because apparently when had be in the classroom, which formerly had planed but can not do. And apparently, sure not suspiced I and my friends too like as a facilitator in the class, because must help teacher when there a student which experience difficult with instruction ordered by teacher. It sure make I and my friends become like too as a teacher in the classroom. With the patient I and my friends follow event that, and conclude even that as interesting experience in the process to me as trip learning to become great the next generation of teacher. And I must to do a new innovation to make atmosphere in the classroom become effective and comfortable to do process learning.
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