I have observed XI Social 2 and XI Sciences 2 at MAN 11, Lebak Bulus. There are different teacher for each class. The classroom facilities are LCD, Projector, and whiteboard. Based on my observation that the teachers lack of skill to use IT and they actually more like to use direct instruction. When I asked about the lesson plan, they just give me a standard competences and basic competence. They said that they want to see our lesson plan. We just have one time in their class to observe. In the sciences class, the students more quiet before the teacher start the lesson, they also enthusiast in teaching and learning process. They very feel free to ask some question that they didn’t understand. But in social class, they like to doing something or talking with their friend and didn’t pay attention to the teacher explanation. I mean it causes the teacher pronunciation is not clearly. The most of the teacher today just teaching the formula without explained the concept because they didn’t have much time. The student are not really understand basic concept of mathematics. In the social class, the instructional method that the teacher used group discussion and the teacher didn’t guide the discussion. It is not effective. When I teaching next week, I want to make a classroom agreement before start the lesson, using technology maximally, and make a combination of instructional method. Finally, I knew that how important of the student’s prior knowledge.
Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011
Reflection of my school experience at first week
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