First impression: team teaching again.
On the sixth week, we still in school, I am in SMAN 54. Certainly we will teach. We will do team teaching. On Monday, we thought XIA2 and XIA3. No different from last week, we teaching with enjoy, but like pressed for time. However teaching is not easy, in the XIA2, we meet students who almost not active. So tired teach in there. But I satisfy because I have opportunity to satirize them with show “part of MONALISA SMILE movie”.
Sometimes memorize formulas important. With the formula we can accelerate problem solving, and of course will save our times.
There is a teacher ask to his student,
Teacher : Good morning Class…
Students : Morning… Sir…
Teacher : OK… I have some Question for You…
You must Answer it as soon as impossible… take it easy, its question is not
difficult, I am sure all of you can answer it. Are you ready?
Students : Ready…. Sir…
Teacher : Ok… first question…. “how many five times five?”….
Students : “twenty five” (all student answer it together)
Teacher : Second one… “how many twenty five times twenty five?”…
Students : “six hundred and twenty five” (just four or five of student who answer it)..
Teacher : Good…
Third one… “ how many 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10?”
Students : (Silent)…
(30 second later)
Teacher : so long…. “it is fifty five”
Students : (antonishment)…..
Teacher : next question….
“How many 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 x 8 x 9 x 10?
Students : (silent again)…..
(a minute later)
Teacher : so very long….. anybody knows?
Students : not yet, sir….
Teacher : “it is 3.628.800”
There is a student say : “Ahhhh…. Sir is cheating… sir memorized the answers before it.
Teacher : What you say?
A student : Sir memorized the answers before it.
Teacher : good….
Sometime mathematics is like that… need a memorized for problem solving…
Like you must memorize formulas to help you accelerate problem solving.
5 komentar:
I think is it a good reflection because like a notations regarding the proceedings of a meeting.(havebesidemeaning)hhe.
you have skill for to be reporter or Notulen.
I think just memorize formula it does not work well. If we memorize the application of that formula it will better work.. Because in my school experience, my students can memorize the formula, but they asked me when they must use that formula and how that formula can we apply.
Section B? who are you?
thanks for your comments.
Yups I agree my reflection like a notations regarding the proceedings of a meeting... but I always try to connect with my experience or my life.. in part "NOTE". (no just a notations)... :D
khoirul umam
thanks Jejef....
Yeah..... that is..... the students who need more exercise to use formulas... I also tell that I showed “part of MONALISA SMILE movie”, It's mean each students must be active and prepare their materials before enter their class (study is not only in class).
khoirul umam
ayo siapa aku?
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