
Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011

second week school experience

The first week I just do observation because students are conducting exams. Second week me and my friend Umm Salamah to becoming an assistant teacher. We get the class X-3. Previously we made lesson plans. lesson plan was discussed with our master teacher. Me and umi remedy given teaching on Tuesday and Thursday. On Monday me and my friends were given the opportunity to see the pack of bilingual teaching. We want to observe how the pack bilingual classroom teaching. In the next hour hani n wia teaching. Me and umi noticed how wia and hani teaching. And how student receive lessons.

The first day we teach the state of calm. Maybe because in the morning so the concentration of students still awake. The first day I was quite tense. I'm afraid Material not conveyed properly. But the teachers and my friends encouraged me. Material is taught the quadratic equation. Our fishing early learning students' attention to the game that is turning the pencil accompanied by the song. When the song stops receiving the pencil box should tell you how they think math. After that umi do review. The children still listen well. I give the material a quadratic equation. Umi portray graph quadratic functions. The children began to slightly reduced concentration. We ask students to form groups. First group consists of 5 persons. there are some groups who are not willing to accept two students. Finally we divide the two students into two groups. We provide the questions to be done within the group, and they must do two people remained in place three people went to other group. Each group must do just that. But because time is limited so we do not have time to do it. 2 people and 3 people still go somewhere else. And then flip chart was completed, we collect students only.

The second day of teaching for children in the daytime concentration is reduced. The children complained that the room ac dead and ask for a transfer of other spatial. And then we also moved the other chamber. Room that the children began to be noisy. We silenced the atmosphere. We ask that children do round robin games. The purpose of this game for a child to read the instructions before work on the problems. Then I asked a group for the presentation flip chart that they made yesterday. Representatives of a group that too forward. Then I do review about which they convey. Then umi provide material about the product of the roots and number of quadratic equations. After being awarded games to find out whether students understand that already described. Games that use flash. Then I gave about the application of quadratic equations to everyday life. Then we asked students to form groups. 1 group comprised two people to do about the post test given. Then the answer is collected. The second day is more noisy kids that die because of ac and learning during the day, their concentration is reduced. We calm many students. If there is a bed, we asked students to wash your face.

We do an interview to some students, it turns out they were pleased with the use of learning games. It is also suggested by our master teachers. Our master teacher to give an explanation when teaching in accordance with the lesson plan. In addition, he uses three methods namely storytelling, discussion, and discovery. Teachers assess students from the indigo duties and liveliness. The task should be done together but must be collected on time. Teachers make a deal before the start of learning.  The Agreement is firstly allowed to drink, should not eat, sleep but second may not be talking or annoying friends. Hp may play an explanation has been completed, but what if the explanation has not been completed then the student plays hp pack hp bi take it and return it at the end of learning. Remedial conducted in open pack of bilingual books. Mr. dual use character EnCana learning to instill character values.
I think the lesson plans are good, but it should have better manners implanted outside the hours of learning. But it is also a nice little tucked inside the material but not too far away.

ita suci pertiwi

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