Reflection of Teaching Assistant on The Second Week
In the second week, I recently had the opportunity to teach because Mr. Heru as the supervising teacher is back from leave-in activities to Magelang. According with existing agreements and schedules, I and my partner - Rina Fardiana had the opportunity to teach in class X1 and X2 on Wednesday and Thursday. Both of these classes have the same teaching materials is about quadratic functions, which focus on graphing quadratic functions.
After nearly a week in the first week I observe and recognize the character of students in class X1 and X2, I hope by the methods which I will use appropriate learning this time. Based on the lesson plan that I designed with my partner, in this study using the method of group discussion, Round Robin, problem solving, lectures, and giving tasks, and use video to introduce what it is a function.
When I teach in class X2 on Wednesday, early learning classroom atmosphere that is created is conducive to effective learning. But in the middle of learning, created a classroom atmosphere less conducive because the sound my voice students who exceeded when I teach early learning whereas we have agreed on some rules where one of them is respect. As time goes on, a classroom atmosphere can be controlled, they were working on some problems of individuals and when they work together in groups by using the Round Robin method, they are very enthusiastic about this activity.
While when I was teaching in class X1 on Thursday, the atmosphere created from the beginning to the end of the lesson is quite effective. Quite visible differences that exist in a classroom atmosphere that is created, because my partner and I tried to repair the errors that occur while I was teaching in class X2 on the previous day. When in class X1 effective learning that takes place and when they work together in groups by using the Round Robin method, they were no less enthusiastic with the enthusiasm of the class X2 on this activity.
At the time I was teaching in both classes, in addition to the assessment and advice from Mr. Heru as a supervising teacher, I was asked for assessment and advice from students I've taught so-called "Math Class Party". When I teach in class X2, I feel a way to explain the material too fast at the thought of the time available. it is becoming one of the messages and comments from some students. but not only that, in filling the "Party math class", the students that I teach also feel more comfortable and fun in learning mathematics. it is this which became one of the motivations for me to be able to become a better teacher again in the future.
Although I just have the opportunity to teach as much as two times, but I find a lot of lessons about teaching and students confront me later that I get when I make the observation, teaching, and talking with my supervising teacher. Such as how to deliver material well adapted to the student's ability, how to deal with students with a variety of different characters, how to prepare a variety of methods to make students comfortable in learning, and others. I hope I can reflect on me for how I teach in the future.
*Fransiska Indah Kristiani
1 komentar:
Good job, Indah,,,,,,:)
I'm really like your math class party.... it's very nice... :)
Btw,, how to manage times in your class? because I think you made many activities in your lesson....:)
Iis Rosita
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