in this a meeting, We do not do lectures as usual. which we only are doing is sharing experiences with friends a different school during the school experience. in here I learned a lot for example before making a lesson plan we must adjust to the conditions in which a class before we use a us lesson plan we have to monitor the state of the class to know the condition and in addition we also have to know the personality of each student, a prior knowledge, cognitive and student interest is intended that the learning objectives we delivered. And I think this is a capital good for us as prospective teachers to prepare themselves when really - really going to become a teacher later. And one more thing that I learned from this meeting, as a teacher we must use different methods in each a class is taught in where we must adjust with the needs of students.^_^
Ratu Bulkis
Jumat, 04 November 2011
E- relfection PETA for the seventh meeting
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