
Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011

Umi Salamah_Second reflection TA_2010110006

The reflection of second Teaching Assistant

In second week, the students of senior high school of Muhammadiyah 3 have done the midterm. They come back to learn like usually. But, there are several class that hold the remedial.  I get the class that haven’t  do the remedial. Before I am begin the teaching, my friends and me arrange the plan. We are going to observation our master teacher when he was teaching in Monday, 17st October 2011. So, Wia and hannie can knew a little of learning process  and the student condition in math classroom.  Ita and me also observ  wia and hannie, so we can learn more anything about the situation of class. Such us,  I look that the class room that handled by hannie and wia have difficult to set.  Finally, Ita and me have planning to make a ice breaking to get guide attention the students and  try to strive set them to focus  before we explain the materials. Because, based on my observation, if from start the lesson we can’t handle them, to next we have difficult to set them. Thanks for wia and hannie. Aming the prepare of teaching we do help each others. Thank you my beloved friends.
On Tuesday, 18st October 2011, Ita and me were taught the X.3 class.  One day before, we get information that X. 3 is a class that have difficult to handle, they often make a noisy in class, especially the boy students.  Honestly, we were worried to hear about that, because we felt a little nervous  to teach them among ninety minutes. But, because we are determined that we can do it the best with the preparation that we already. Moreover, first teaching we taught in morning, so we are more spirit. Finally from the first teaching, we can do it best, in fact our worried don’t happen.  Although there is still noisy, but it only little, we can still handle it. I am happy because there are many positive reflection than negative reflection.  I can learn and do better  next when I read their reflection.  Instead of that I also reflection to myself when  we were doing ice breaking. One of student said that actually learning about mathematics  is not difficult when we have understand about that, but all of them based on the teacher. When the teacher is not good or uncomfortable, he also lazy to join in class math or learning about math although the materials is easy. From the statement, I agree with him. Based on my experience, actually I like the course that relate with mathematics, but because there are moments that make me annoyed with her/him. In my opinion, she/he  can’t understand about the character and student’s need.  So, It is make me l have a low motivation to join the class. Because of that, I think the teacher have to make their student to like he/she, before like the lesson. When they have like the teacher, it’s mean easy for us to handle  and teach them.
I think The teacher is being hold important role  in learning process, he/she have to can make a class situation that comfortable and effective. And then the teacher have to know the student’s need, so he/she can understand with their students. When there is a group assignment, they are enthusiast, although there still lazy and have difficult to do group assignment. In here ita and me are strive to more be patient and keep our spirit. We don’t  angry when they do something annoying. But we still reprimand  with good way.  Time by time we are more easy to handle. I train myself  to  can appreciate with my students, and believe that my students will do same it for us as a teacher candidate. So, the situation in my class is not too noisy like as worried before.
The reflection of learning process that we got, there is many positive comment than negative comment. I am so glad when I read the writing of student is “I am happy studying with you, the lesson of mathematics is difficult, but   after studying I am happy learn the mathematics”. This statement is so make me more spirit in the next teaching. Thank you all.. J

Umi Salamah
Math Department 

2 komentar:

Section B 2010 mengatakan...

Nice reflection,,,, Ummi,, :)
You must observed and team teaching in second week,,It'd be difficult and exhausted.
but, umi,, what's the activities to handle class X3?

Iis Rosita

Section B 2010 mengatakan...

In firt meeting, I utilize the morning situation, I think in the morning, we have to make them more spirit, I use ice breaking or something like that to get their attention, it's I show a things, then I ask they what's the thing that I hold, and then after they answer, I give instruction that the thing will around, like as estafet. I give the music to accompany the estafet, and then for accept last thing when the music stop, he/she has to introduce him/her self, and give opinion, "what is learning about the mathematics".

actually, there is several noisy, but ita and me always to be strive to be patient to guide them. I just only to be strive to make them confortable in the class, n teach them until they understand.

but, there is still that don't understand what do we explain, n complain in reflection,, :)

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