
Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011

Khoirul umam 2010110038- 9th PETA

First impression: Reflect topic from group 4, Assessment in the context of instruction.

On November 29th 2011, we have PETA Subject. We discuss about Assessment more. We divided become group, and Each group discuss about different topics such as What is assessment?, Assessment purpose and proses, Influencing motivation trough assessment, Assessment in the context of instruction, and the last, Domain of classroom assessment. My group, WURI Education got the topics 3th, Influencing motivation trough assessment. We got material is very difficult to translate in bahasa. Finally, with  hard work  and team work, we done the material.

In the closing each group asked to reflect one of five materials which discussed that day. I got 4th topic, Assessment in the context of instruction. There is two kind of assessment in the context of instruction. It is Conventional Model (after Instruction) and Standard based Model (Before-during-after instruction). About the difference look the chart below.

Assessment: ongoing proses.
Evaluation: in the ending of learning.

Element of Classroom Assessment

There are four Element of classroom assessment : Purpose, Measurement, Evaluation and Use. Purpose for reach the goal from the student. As a teacher we must have a purpose when we want to teach our students. Measurement for active involvement from student, we use variance of assessment and methods when we teach the students. Evaluation, we always give feedback for our students. Feedback is very important to do because we can give motivation for them. Use is like reflection to our students. We always see the development our students and result from their assignment, learning process. So, as a teacher candidate, I must prepare my self to make a better in make assessment. So, assessment that I give to my students objectively.

Dwi Sintia_2010110020_PETA_E-Reflection about Elements of Classroom Assessment

The elements of classroom assessment is a tool to help a teacher in the learning and it be able used as a basic plan to what must be do in the learning. There are four essential components of classroom assessment : 1. Purpose, 2. Measurement, 3. Use, 4. Evaluation. As a good teacher is very important to have a purpose when teaching. So, the teacher will be more able arranged about “what is must they do in the classroom?” and the teacher is surely has the goals to achieved in the learning. which of the matter that the teacher will be do assessment to students, to see the understanding of students, and to achieve a goals of learning. To be continue about the purpose of the teacher in the learning, the next is about measurement, which of the matter that is the teacher do assess to the students, with various the instructional to do assessment. The use to of elements of classroom assessment is the practically of measurement. So, the teacher must be do create when give instructional, in the learning. And the teacher can be able to see about understanding of students. In the ending of the learning, the teacher can be do reflection about the learning in the classroom, and see the understanding of students, and see the result of assessment. So, in here, which I as a teacher candidate, I must to prepare all of things to support when I teach, it is one my efforts to become a good teacher.

Dwi Sintia
Mathematics Department
Section B

Assessment and It's Domains

Finally, I get the idea why assessment has to be variety and including many aspects. Yeah, it caused of the domain itself. Assessing students completely need more criteria rather than just assess by paper and pencil style. For instance, actually all students are unique, that is why as a teacher we should appreciate it, but at the teaching and learning process, teacher often forgot their uniqueness by assess by limited aspects of assessment. It is happened because teacher didn’t understand clearly about the idea of assessment.
By PETA course, I got full understandings of assessment by any aspects. Assessment has three domains: cognitive, affective, and psycho motor. Today’s education in Indonesia focus on assessing by pencil and paper test which is belongs to cognitive domains. The government has decided the pencil and paper test as orientation of assessment, whereas this type of assessing just measures the students cognitive. In my opinion, assessing by this domain only is not really complete assessment because i think assessing students who unique need to use the three domains assessment for assessing. By completing all three domains of assessment, teacher can approach the students knowledge, then implementing activities which include all domains, and at the end of process teacher can measure the students understanding by many factor that enrich the students.
By implementing the complete domains, we can see the students as true individual. I as a teacher candidate can said like that because I think when we really use the three domains we can measure the students by their attitude, thinking skills, emotion, feeling, product. That is can be seen from the daily activities from the students, and not only can measure the students clearly and easily, but also can approach the students to the material given.

E- reflection for seventh meeting

At this meeting I get a chance to make a reflection of a group of 6 on "Influencing motivation through assessment". from on their explanation i get purpose of assessment and types of assessment itself. I strongly agree with the opinion of this group who said if an assessment is to be able to increase students' knowledge, increase their optimism and confidence. and than, Before giving  the assessment as a teachers must notify student about the system of assessment it.
 and they also explain about the types of assessment it, where here they explain only two of many other assessment.  peer assessment and self assessment, Where peer assessment is the assessment by a friend / judge friend, which I think this assessment is easier than self-assessment because I think the judge yourself is very difficult. because when i was school, I never to know a schools that implement such assessments. Self-assessment that I think it's nice to be applied in schools to train students to assess themselves objectively. ^_^

ratu bulkis

My reflection about domains of classroom assessment
Do you know the domain of classroom assessment? Or even to move on this but you guys forget this?...
Domain of classroom assessment is very important to consider in the assessment.
What is domain of classroom assessment?
Domain is the domain of classroom assessment that must be achieved in the assessment process which includes:
• Cognitive which include: capability / process thinking in receiving material or lessons given to him as well as covering six aspects of the process of thinking (taxonomy boom).

• Affective which include: attitudes / behaviors, values​​, interests, and morals such as (1) receiving (2) responding (3) valuing (4) organization (5) characterization by evalue calue or complex
• Psychomotor: skills related to skills (skills)
How do my friends? Does the teacher assessment or assessments that we do we do during this covers it?
because there are still many teachers who forget this. It turned out that this domain was the one who should also be considered in the assessment because we as educators or not a prospective candidate educators not only want to create people who are good at it but great in the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor too.
are you agree?
So, hopefully we all can do without leaving the classroom assessors domain of valuation class itself.

Thank you ...

Sintha Kusuma Wardhani

my reflection TYas

this is my first statement when i know that
ASSESSMENt have many parts,,,hehe
actually i was afraid to forget the material until i will teaching in the future.....
now, i know that assessment is very complex
with that all we know that assessment is very important and one of important part that we must know and understand to implement in our Nobel job later.
in assessment there is two model.
conventional and standard model assessment.
i thing just forget the name, because
as a future teacher who preparing to be great and good teacher
we need to know and UNDERSTAND that when we assess our students we need to give them feedback to make they have better understanding.
back to our purpose to be teacher, we must chose the best choice in making decision or choosing way to teach and assess....
remember that be students is not easy, so be teacher is more difficult..

harisyah tyas prastiti

Elements of Assess_diyanta wiga pratama_2010110044

  • Establish culture student that encourage integration Assessment tools. 
  • To reach the goals.
  • The primary purpose of assessment is for the student to receive multiple attempts to practice and to demonstrate understanding of content and to develop skills by receiving specific and timely feedback by the teacher in order to improve achievement. 
  • The primary purpose of assessment is for the teacher to analyze student progress for the purpose of modifying and refining the teaching/learning cycle to better meet student needs.
  • There are three types of assessment, each distinguished by the kinds of questions that it answers. With the exception of some very simple diagnostic tools, the same contexts, methods, and tools can be used to collect data for each of the three types of assessment: diagnostic, formative, and summative. 

  • Use varies instructional, method, use varies approaching to assess student understanding.
  • Active involvement of students in the learning process.

  • Feedback.
  • Adaptation of instructional. 
  • When we evaluate, what we are doing is engaging in some process that is designed to provide information that will help us make a judgment about a given situation. Generally, any evaluation process requires information about the situation in question. A situation is an umbrella term that takes into account such ideas as objectives, goals, standards, procedures, and so on.

  • Diagnosis
  • Grading
  • Instructional

Jumat, 02 Desember 2011

E-Reflection week 9 Principle of effective teaching and assessment

Influencing motivation through assessment.  In your opinion, is it a good idea?

            Actually when I heard about this issue, I had wondered to myself. Is it correct? How to do so? I was really curious at the moment and immediately I moved to have a great passion to find out more information about that. It’s important for us as teachers’ candidate and I think this issue will help teachers’ candidate especially me to know more about what activities that can be used to influence students’ motivation through assessment. 

            By this 2 stray 2 stay activity that held on the last Tuesday, I have got a lot of information about how to create assessment that can influence students’ motivation especially in learning and getting as much as possible achievement in class? Before studying this material, I just knew that the purpose of assessment itself is only means that in chronological assist teachers in monitoring students’ performance. Teachers uncover concept that had been achieved by students and assess student progress in this regard about the development process of how a concept is acquired. But after I heard about my friends’ explanation about this issue, I just realized that it’s really crucial thing. In creating a good assessment, teachers need to know that the assessment must be meaningful, involve students’ improvement, and expose students’ optimism and confidence.  As known that the purpose of this issue is encouraging us as teacher candidates to see that not only improve students’ motivations that include the extrinsic motivation but also their ego and task involvement. 

            As far as I’ve done observation well in both SD Menteng atas and SMA 12 Jakarta when doing school experience program, mostly their motivation to learn especially in learning mathematics were still low. Only a few students that had a motivation to learn mathematics based on their own volition. I remembered when I had a chance to teach them, I tried to assess them with various ways to maximize their performance. Not only using post test or pre test, I assessed them when they still discussed a topic, presented their work until found some solutions in the game that I gave to them. There were many differences that I could see. I could see the progress, most students motivate to learn more deeply in mathematics and they enjoyed with activities that I’ve created. And the most important thing is I had success to improve their skill in problem solving, analyzing and evaluating through assessment. 

In this reflective way, I got the conclusion that assessment is the means to create effective learning and students' motivation to learn is the tendency of students to find academic activities meaningful and worthwhile. And by the time they receive the learning activity that is where the motivation to learn appears. Motivation in learning is effective if it can provide mental forging on learning, Students are people who have feelings and who don't want to feel cornered. They want to learn but they also want to feel as if they have some control over themselves. It is our tasks as teachers to find assessment model that not only motivates each student to learn but also motivates them to misbehave. If we can meet them at that point and take away that motivation, we can go a long way towards a more effective classroom and learning experience.

Himmatul ‘Aliyah

What is Assessment?

Based on PP RI No. 19 year 2005 about Standar Nasional Pendidikan, pasal 1 ayat (17) assessment is seeking activities, collect and manage information about student achievement of learning objectives in class.  According to Anggelo, 1988 assessment is an approach designed to help teacher find out what students are learning in the classroom and how well they learning it.
There are some who say that the assessment was same as the test, evaluation measurement, and score when it is different.  Test, evaluation measurement, and score are the part of assessment. Test is type of assessment like paper and pencil test. Evaluation is process of making judgment about the level of students understanding or skill based on an assessment. Measurement is measuring instrument of assessment. Score is output of assessment.
So, according to me, assessment is an attempt to know the state of things as it is.

by: Eli Zulkatri

Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

Refleksi peta Second week after Mid

At this meeting PETA Still discuss about assessment. But for the opening we judge ourselves as our strengths and what we feared when we have became a teacher. My people cannot judge myself, when asked what my strengths, I cannot answer, I just answered I am a Student of SSE. But if asked what I feared when teaching later, a lot of what I fear, I fear students could not accept me, students do not understand the material that I have to say, I am afraid the students do not pay attention when I was in classroom or explain the material, and the most thing I am afraid my content is poor. But the solution is I will make regulation in the classroom and I will strengthen my content and be a friend of my students and the last I want became inspiring teacher for my students

After that we do 2 stay 3 stray, I got the material for the reflection from the first group. The material is about assessment definition. We do the assessment when the process of learning and teaching is in progress. While we do evaluation at the end of learning like give post test, final exam. The final form of assessment are report cards, KHU, diploma. So we as teacher candidate must make a good assessment and must objective when we do assessment. We must make assessments when learning and teaching process not only at the end class or the end of the semester.

Septy Cartika Sari