
Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011

e-Reflection PETA . 2nd time :)

Heiiy guys, you meet again with me. And for now, i'll give my opinion on my reflection about the 2nd meeting in PETA class.
In the 2nd meeting, we still discuss about effective teaching. Miss Lydia prepared a film. After we watch that film,we discuss about that on our group, like is that film have an effective teaching in the opening activity, main activity, and closing activity. But before it, we have a games. In this games we must remember about the breakfast our friend and also Miss Lydias' breakfast. This activity aimed for strength our memories. In addition, we also asked for make a lesson plan on our group. Actually, i hope this activity can make me usuall on make my lesson plan. Certain the good lesson plan.
God bless :D

*Fransiska Indah

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