Teaching and Learning are a process which have a connection. There is “twin sins” of the traditional design in teaching, such as “activity-focused” and “coverage” approach. In “activity-focused”, the teacher is looking for fun and engaging learning, but not for necessary intellectually meaningful. On the other hand, the “coverage” approach is more textbooks. In this case teaching is happen, but learning didn’t take place. Actually this “twin sins” of traditional design still happen in school today. I think this is not included in effective teaching. Because the students must enjoy the learning and still know what is the concept of the material. PETA in the second week is talk about UbD or Understanding by Design (Grant and Wiggins, 2005). It’s more about how to make your teaching effectively using lesson plan. There are three steps for planning your lesson. The more important thing is you must know the goals of your lessons that you want to reach. After that we must know what the evidence that the students must show to we approve what the students are can met the goals or objectives. The last one is we must know what kind of instruction and activities to use in our lesson. The activities must have a connection to the first and the second one. I very interested when we watch film to learn and reflect to experiences in the high school. Assessment actually is important too as a teacher to planning. It must be depends of our goals or objectives. We can use our own activities in opening, contents, and in the end activities, such as sing a song, games that have a relation to the topics, ice breaking, little opening discussion, journal reflection like this and etc. Effective teaching and assessment that we have learn to be a great teacher.
Jumat, 30 September 2011
Reclection week 2 (Redyta Amalia, 2010110022)
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