
Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011

Dwi Sintia_E-Reflection 2_Mathematics 2010

On Tuesday ago, exactly date 27 September 2011, this is the second meeting for me in the course PETA (Principles of Effective Teaching and Assessment) with mother Lydia. In the second meeting this, I found the event is unique, which mother Lydia order me and all my friends to share about our breakfast in the morning, and if we not breakfast, so we can say about food, which want we eat. And the role is, mother Lydia the first say, this morning I eat with bread, and after that we all order by mother Lydia to repeat the sentences mother Lydia say. And then, with rolling each person ordered to say about what mother Lydia say, and to continue about what we eat in the morning. Mother Lydia say “ I eat bread”, Devi say “ I eat rice & fish”, Wia say “ I eat Lontong”, Deshinta say “ I eat Donnut”, Prio say “ I eat uduk rice”, Eli say “ serundeng rice”, Jefry say “I  don’t eat, but I have eat snack”, Tyas say “I don’t eat, but I want eat fried rice”, Umam say “ I eat omlet”, Wiga say “ I eat noodle”, Septi say “I eat uduk rice”, Lia say “I eat noodle”, Ita say “ I eat uduk rice”, Indah say “I eat ultra milk with cost Rp. 3500 bought at business center”, Fikri say “I eat coffee Nescafe & indomilk”, Dwi say “I eat lemper & bugis”, Susi say “I don’t eat, but I want eat chicken porridge at Bandung”, Umi say “I eat rice & noodle”, Ayu say “I eat rice + orek tempe + hot fish”, Iis say “I eat noodle”, Redyta say “I eat fried rice + tahu+ nugget”, Shinta say “ I eat wrap rice+fried rice+sauce+water”, Ratu say “I eat uduk rice from septi”, and then finished with mother Lydia say all our names. And after that we order to watch movie about tematik teaching, and we order to see, which effective and not effective in tematik teaching at the movie. The movie that, according my opinion is very interesting. Because from that, I become know about the next day, when I have become teacher, so I know I must what do. When I watch the movie, there are something from the movie, which can I take to become learning for me as knowledge to become a good teacher. After watch movie, we ordered to collect together with group to discuss about the movie, and ordered to write about which effective teaching and not effective teaching at the movie, and each group ordered to discuss about it.
The next situation is we ordered to around in result from discuss from each group to see discuss result other group. After that, we ordered to make a lesson plan and write on the flip chart. And each group ordered to discuss for make lesson plan. Because the time is finished, so making a lesson plan, ordered made at home together each group. And the class is finished, so the class on the second meeting is very interesting and according for me, all did when study the course PETA is effective and have fun. 

Dwi Sintia
Mathematics Department

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