Based on PP RI No. 19 year 2005 about Standar
Nasional Pendidikan, pasal 1 ayat (17) assessment is seeking activities,
collect and manage information about student achievement of learning objectives
in class. According to Anggelo, 1988
assessment is an approach designed to help teacher find out what students are
learning in the classroom and how well they learning it.
There are some who say that the
assessment was same as the test, evaluation measurement, and score when it is
different. Test, evaluation measurement,
and score are the part of assessment. Test is type of assessment like paper and
pencil test. Evaluation is process of making judgment about the level of
students understanding or skill based on an assessment. Measurement is measuring
instrument of assessment. Score is output of assessment.
So, according to me, assessment is an
attempt to know the state of things as it is.
by: Eli Zulkatri
3 komentar:
thanks for give your attention in my groups' presentation ell......
i just want to know that you have your own definition about assessment after you have many resources..
because i hope you know with your heart,, and you will use it when you teaching...
yes i do agree that assessment is an approach designed to help teacher find out what students are learning in the classroom and how well they learning it...
because the our purpose to be teacher is to make the students we need assessment as a way to know...
measurement,evaluation,score, and test are different with assessment because they are tha part of assessment...
harisyah tyas prastiti
well, Tyas thank you for your respond...
I think assessment is an attempt to know the state of things as it is.
all of these word's meaning is different, and after knowing what the assessment itself.. Let's make it simple by mention on the assessment's element which is can be variety by our self.. the point is, after know the assessment, as a educators candidate let's use variety assessment in teaching..
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