At this meeting I get a chance to make a reflection of a group of 6 on "Influencing motivation through assessment". from on their explanation i get purpose of assessment and types of assessment itself. I strongly agree with the opinion of this group who said if an assessment is to be able to increase students' knowledge, increase their optimism and confidence. and than, Before giving the assessment as a teachers must notify student about the system of assessment it.
and they also explain about the types of assessment it, where here they explain only two of many other assessment. peer assessment and self assessment, Where peer assessment is the assessment by a friend / judge friend, which I think this assessment is easier than self-assessment because I think the judge yourself is very difficult. because when i was school, I never to know a schools that implement such assessments. Self-assessment that I think it's nice to be applied in schools to train students to assess themselves objectively. ^_^
ratu bulkis
Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011
E- reflection for seventh meeting
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1 komentar:
Nice reflection Ratu... I want to add some important thing that may be you forget it...
Students will know about their achievement or their level of understanding if we can help them by our assessment. From our feedback, they can be more motivated. So, we must use many kinds of assessment, and tell the student what the meaning of the assessment to build their confidence, also their motivation...
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