
Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011

My reflection about domains of classroom assessment
Do you know the domain of classroom assessment? Or even to move on this but you guys forget this?...
Domain of classroom assessment is very important to consider in the assessment.
What is domain of classroom assessment?
Domain is the domain of classroom assessment that must be achieved in the assessment process which includes:
• Cognitive which include: capability / process thinking in receiving material or lessons given to him as well as covering six aspects of the process of thinking (taxonomy boom).

• Affective which include: attitudes / behaviors, values​​, interests, and morals such as (1) receiving (2) responding (3) valuing (4) organization (5) characterization by evalue calue or complex
• Psychomotor: skills related to skills (skills)
How do my friends? Does the teacher assessment or assessments that we do we do during this covers it?
because there are still many teachers who forget this. It turned out that this domain was the one who should also be considered in the assessment because we as educators or not a prospective candidate educators not only want to create people who are good at it but great in the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor too.
are you agree?
So, hopefully we all can do without leaving the classroom assessors domain of valuation class itself.

Thank you ...

Sintha Kusuma Wardhani

1 komentar:

Section B 2010 mengatakan...

I like your way of calling your profession. yes.. we are a educators candidates not only teacher candidates.. that's why we have to use a variety of assessment as your paper above.. really nice :)


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