
Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011

E_Reflection_Deshinta_Hey guys, do your best microteaching.. I know you're all a crazy teacher..make it fun :)

Today’s meeting is great. At the beginning we read a file of Lecture Model in teaching learning process. Class was divided by four part of lecture model. And at that time I learn about Direct Instruction. Then, we were discussing about the material in expert group. After that, we are discuss in group of four which is contains of four lecture model. At that time, I’m still in confusing way, because after analyze 3 of the model, it seems similar and related. I and my group try to find the differences and because of it we are not discuss about the fourth model yet. Going to the class, my lecturer asks us about the discussion, evaluates and makes a conclusion. Finally I get the point of the meaning the fourth lecture model. But actually I didn’t understand clearly about the differences.
Going to expert group, then change to original group for discussion is an effective way of teaching learning process. But it is needed several times in debating and analyzing, so I think if we are going to have discussion like that we have to prepare enough time for it. So the lesson will deliver appropriately.
A next activity, class was divided by 3. The first one is being fresh graduated of mathematics education, second one as fresh graduated of mathematics sciences, and the last one as Human Resource Development or Principles. We are three acts as an interview process and the principle have to decide the person they choose as teacher. That is a fun activity; in my experiences interview is always tense situation but when we are in acting ways that is so funny. Because the acting means we are all laid at that time, so we can act and say as good as possible. But it is nice and effective way in showing as the reality of life when we are graduated. I’m afraid because a few people know about my college, but in another side I have a positive thinking of myself. A good man is not shown by the background only, but also by the character. And I believe SSE can develop me being a high quality of teacher.
And the last activity, the group chosen was doing the micro-teaching. I don’t know what’s wrong with my friends, a semester before all of us can do a really amazing micro-teaching, but in this time they don’t do the best. I think they are not well prepared and the team spirit is not enough. I hope the next micro-teaching, they or me can do the best. That’s all  

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