
Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011

Dwi Sintia - 2010 11 00 20

On Tuesday ago, exactly date 4 October 2011, this is the third meeting for me in the course PETA (Principles of Effective Teaching and Assessment) with mother Lydia. In the third meeting this, I studied about Models of Instruction, such as Direct instruction, Lecture-discussion, Guided discovery, and Multiple intelligences. But when before I and my friends ordered to read about it, really I am not understand about it, and after mom Lydia ordered me and my friends to discuss about it, and I start to understand about it. Now, I know about direct instruction, which that is as teacher center learning. And Direct instruction too have strengths and too weakness, to strengths such as lectures help students acquire information not readily accessible in other ways, lectures help students integrate information from a variety of sources, and lectures expose students to different points of view. And to weakness such as lectures don’t effectively attract and maintain students’ attention, lectures don’t allow teachers to check students’ perceptions, lectures impose a heavy cognitive load on students, and lectures put students in passive roles.   
And if about Lecture-discussion, according to Eggen & Kauchak (2010) explain that typically asks questions between short presentations of information and class can be engaged in discussions. And Lecture-discussion phases such as introduction and review, presenting information, comprehension monitoring, and integration. After that, if about Guided discovery phases are as follow, introduction and review, the open-ended phase, the convergent phase, closure, and application. And if about multiple intelligences explain that according to Gardner, he defines intelligences as, the ability to solve problems that one encounters in real life, the ability to generate new problems to solve, the ability to make something or offer a service that is valued within one’s culture. And I wish after I studied all that, I can use to collaborate all that.
(references from module PETA)

1 komentar:

lydia arihta mengatakan...

Hi, Dwi.. good to read that discussion with your friends could help you understand the topics better, so may be cooperatif learning will work for you.. Actually we haven't discuss about the multiple intelligences on our last meeting, we will talk about it on the next meeting. See you on tuesday then..

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