wow this time I am happy to follow the lessons PETA because the topics we discussed I think is very interesting. The topic of feedback and question types. I think both things are important to be learned and understood by teachers and prospective teachers, as these are closely related in the system of assessment will be conducted by a teacher. Feedback is from teachers to students, where effective feedback is done every assessment. This is done so that students are not confused in receiving feedback that is given by the teacher. question types like I do not need to explain anymore because I'm sure you all have been very understanding because we've ever done role play about it.
Regarding both of these things, I want to share something with friends, when I do school experience I ever the find a teacher, where the teachers a gives assignment to the students without giving any feedback , so that most students' confusion in confront these subjects and the climax is 99% of students get scored under 50. And these teachers, when there are students who ask for lack of understanding on the topic being discussed, he just told students to find out for yourself. So that makes students become frightened and reluctant to ask because the response given is not as they had hoped. Perhaps this only can I sharing for all. I hope you and me did not become a teacher like I mentioned earlier. We can make a students to find their own answers to their questions, but it could not hurt too sometimes we be able give a direct answers to their questions so that students feel more valued.....^_^
Ratu Bulkis
Math 2010
Minggu, 18 Desember 2011
Feedback and question types : E- Reflection
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1 komentar:
good ratu, ...
jika kita ingin siswa mendapatkan hasil yg maksimal sesuai harapan kita, maka kita juga harus mengkontol apakah siswa telah mengerti ingin kita, apakah siswa membutuhkan feedback dari kita , karena dengan feedback tidak hanya siswa yang dapat memperbaiki tugasnya namun guru juga dapat memperbaiki cara mengajarnya .apa sudah sesuai apa belum?,,,
sintha kw
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