Today’s PETA class is going to play a role of microteaching. It’s really nice of see my friends being a teacher for a moment. They are so crazy and over acting. Yeah, my friends in SSE are extraordinary teacher candidate who have their own character but they always success showing us their talent. That’s why, when the class is being dominated by group of role play, the class is changing into a crowded class, which is the acting is our way of supporting our friends’ role play.
This activity is one of effective way for preparing teacher candidate to be a professional teacher. By this activity, we are learning to thinking out of the box, because we want to be different and unique. This is our culture believe that everything can be more wonderful when we are show a different but not out of context. And the building concept is needed the teamwork, it seems when we have a much idea but we cannot engage each other for building the concept, it will be none. So, here we need a good teamwork. After the preparation is well done, we also have to prepare ourselves to be a teacher. The point is, all process of role play have assessing many things about ours. That is why I said that it is an effective way of learning. I hope at the next meeting, we will have more variety treatment as we already learn about the models of instruction.
Oh, about the topic, I think assessing group role play about their models of instruction and then just write down at the paper is not really measure our understanding. We need a group discussion and also lecture discussion for checking our answer. By the discussion, each of students can evaluate their own understanding of the models of instruction.
I think that’s all about today. So far, the lesson is good; class is being more active and effective for practicing our skill in teaching learning.
5 komentar:
I agree des, we need a discussion for deciding what the models of instruction that was used by each group, because actually we have not gotten the explanation as a reinforcement about models of instruction from mam lydia, after we had a group discussion two weeks ago,^^
Susi Dariah, (2010110024)
I forget to tell you, :D
yeah, last meeting is awesome. Unfortunately, last group can not present their role play well because of limited time. #read my reflection about that.
It is so effective for us as a practice before doing teaching assistant later, but in my opinion, maybe it will be more effective if the micro teaching were designed for senior high school accordance with the location for us to do teaching assistant. #it just my opinion
Devi Heryanti 2010110010
Hi,Des..good reflection. Thank you for your input. Last meeting was so alive, you all do such a great job and actively participated. Unfortunately, because of the time limitation, we haven't discuss about the models of instruction further more, I'm so sorry about it. Hopefully we can have some discussion review about it on our next meeting, ok? For now, enjoy your school experience, and see you next week then :)
I was surprised reading the comment. I didn't open the blog. It's really awful knowing our paper was commented. :) Thank you anonymous, Susi, Devi, and Miss Lydia.
anonymous : yeah.. how about going to campus and discuss it together by drinking milk or tea.. :) that will reinforcement us well. and we'll invite Miss Lydia..
susi: are you my lecturer? :P
Devi: haha.. what a pity you are..actually I was waiting for your role play Dev, you're great of being teacher.. but
calm down babe.. I believe that next mid semester we will have another role play. and the role play will much more awesome..
Oh ya.. I extremely agree with you that it will be more effective when we are design a high school lesson plan. It happened now, in school experience we need preparing new lesson plan. If we have preparing it at PETA meetings before, I think we just have to combine with the school rules.. I have design many more lesson plan
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