
Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011

E-Reflection : School Experience

The first week
                The first day of school experience is to become an assistant teacher, in class we just observe and see the condition of the class. And the second day we immediately fill the class by discussing the  exercise because the master teacher is not teach that day. and I feel happy because of the enthusiastic and spirit of students are so great. and finished discussing the assignment and we go to the school library and the many students who come to us, telling us about their probem in receiving lessons math, especially because they are groundless if the math teacher is the type of person teaches just provides materials and complete its work as a teacher regardless of whether students understand or not. and this is evident from the decline in test scores of students, from 39 students only one student who scored evident five while 38 people only get a value below 4.00. I rate the teacher had failed, because the learning goals not achieved. and many students admitted if their failure is a factor the how to teach a teacher, because the material presented is only a little while a assignment a so complete. And that makes pupils more do not understand about the learning materials is that they always a scolded if ask , the teacher forcing them to use logic to answer difficult questions. The students is banned to ask too much. And I think  the attitude of the teacher is wrong, should have as a teacher he must be willing to answer questions students well because it is tugasnya.saya felt when I became an assistant teacher, I get a lot of lessons to make a reflection for me as a prospective teacher, to be for the better.

by : Ratu Bulkis

4 komentar:

sintha kusuma wardhani SSE math mengatakan...

O God
I am very sad to read your story because it is still often heard my ears. although it is a mistake happens because of the method and the teacher the wrong way. but I believe, all teachers want their students succeed. we can not judge one eye. we can judge it wrong probably because we've got lessons that the contents teach us how to teach effectively in the classroom. but what about them? whether they get the same thing as us? maybe if we do not get it we will not judge like that. we are lucky to get the science that will help us create intelligent students. so, we as a student who knows how good teaching is not to blame the teachers like it, but we give our knowledge to them about how good teaching by discussions with the teacher.

-hopefully we can change the world of education with our knowledge that we have-

sintha kusuma wardhani

Jefri Saputra mengatakan...

It so interested for discuss. In my opinion, this is just one. I think when we want to teach, we must use our heart to teach our students so students can understand and develop their multiple inteligence based on their character.

You can do best in your school experiences, Ratu... :) Keep Spirit

Jefri Saputra

Section B 2010 mengatakan...


How about your teaching assistant?
if you need something you can ask to me..

Ell 2010

Section B 2010 mengatakan...

all@:thanks so much your attention,.and for eli, you are really my best friend..heheheh,..^_^

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