
Minggu, 04 Desember 2011

Reflection about Our Activity (2 Stay 3 Stray)

Well,, I am sorry for late to publish my reflection because i was confuse about the topic which I got. But, after i read in internet (goggling), i was understand about the topic. Well, I will explain my reflection about the domain of assessment.

Assessment have 3 domain for assess students, there are cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. We have know about what is assessment. It must assess students in cognitive aspect. It means when we as teacher want to assess students, we must make that assessment tools to assess their understanding (cognitive), like paper and pencil test, group presentation, etc. After that, in assess students we must look their attitude not only their self but also interaction to another students and teacher. The last one is psychomotor, it assess their skill such as when students make a presentation, students who have art skill, they will give their idea to make their presentation to be good.

But, that is important thing about that domain, its must make students' ability (skill) must improve in that domain (cognitive, affective, and psychomotor) because one student and another students have different characteristics. It have done with me when I school in Senior High School. The teacher have more than one assessment tools to assess our based on our skill.

Jefri Saputra

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