
Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

First PETA’s Journal Reflection in The First Week of School Experience

On September 17th 2011, I began school experience in SMAN 54 Jakarta. In this semester, I’m not only observe learning activity in the class in the first week but also be a teacher by teaching assistant in second week. In the first week, I observed four classes of XI IPA; they are XI IPA 1, XI IPA 2, XI IPA 3, and XI IPA 4. I observed mathematics class with probability subject. Based on my observation, I saw that each class has different level of intelligence. It means that XI IPA 1 more diligent, more discipline, cleverer than another class. It was proven when I observed them. I saw students in class XI IPA 1 more active and critical when some students made presentation and the materials of probability done quickly. 
From the learning activities, I found the teacher used direct interaction and group discussion. Teacher made groups which consist of four or five students. One group made a presentation of subtopic for each meeting. They used power point for presentation which material from their textbook and LKS (students’ worksheet). When a group made a presentation, every student must pay attention because sometimes teacher gave some question from the presentation. After one group made presentation, another student wrote down the presentation slide to their books.
From the learning activity, I found that teacher just used group discussion to made presentation. Teacher did not continue to real group discussion.  It made some students have lack of understanding. Teacher just added him opinion when a group presentation and gave them homework at the end of the class.
I think it can be different and more effective if when one group made presentation, another group pays attention and made interaction with a group who presented by give opinion or protest their arguments. Students not only used their textbook for materials of presentation but also used internet or another books to made materials richer.Teacher also gave them times to discuss their homework or assignments on their worksheet so students can more understand the materials. 

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