
Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011

E-Reflection Harisyah Tyas Prastiti

              In the second meeting with Ms.Lidya we have much discussed about how to teaching effectively. The class started with watched a video from Ms.Lidya about teaching-learning processes in an elementary school. An after we watch the video we have discussed what part that include in effective teaching and ineffective teaching. Then… each group wrote the discussion result on the flip cart and then the class discussed all of the result from each group (about effective and ineffective teaching learning processes in video).
                The video is about thematic teaching-learning processes in class. The teacher started the class with greeting and praying. And then she asked actively to the students. The students were studied in out the class for observed Rambutans’ tree. And from this activity the teacher teach thematically involve. With did the observation the students were study about color (the color of rambutans and leave). And also the students learned about calculation (students calculated how much rambutans that they took). Students learned about family member (teacher asked “who was planned the tree”,  ”who was sweep the yard”) etc. From many method that teacher used in the video, we made the conclusion which one effective learning and which one ineffective learning.
    from the discussion, the class make the conclusion that for make the learning processes the teacher need to be humble,nice,good behavior, knowledgeable, etc.  

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