
Rabu, 23 November 2011

Assessment is like Pieces of Cake

Previously, for this meeting I want say thanks for this sharing about assessment because I hoping to find examples of effective assessment and find out how assessment can be effective, so this could be useful for my friends and me as a teacher candidate.
Well, as did i say at this meeting yesterday that assessment is like pieces of cake where every piece of the pie is part of the learning process. When one of the pieces of the cake is missing or lost then the cake will not be a perfect cake and it is similar to the learning process when one part of the learning process is lost then the learning will not become effective. Assessment is part of learning process. 
Talk about affective assessment, I have some experience about assessment. When I was junior high school, there is a teacher who gave us oral assessment in math midterm exams. I think is not relevant between oral test with math study, how can?  This exam will make me and maybe my friends also burdened whereas assessment itself serves not only measure the level of student understanding but also to help students in learning. So, from this experience, I can conclude that effective assessment is the assessment associated with the lesson we learned and can make students more developed and not feel burdened to the test.

by: Eli Zulkatri

4 komentar:

quarta lia mengatakan...

hahhaha,,,your statement is so nice,,,,I like iy. But in s case, I just want to clarify about what you were saying about. That when one part (assessment) was lost, then the learning process will not be comoplete. I think it's the good word that represent what you want to explain,,,hehhe..maybe:)

do you agree with me,,,

sometimes, even the learning process has been complete, it might seems not effective. The emphasize on the word is not effective in the assessment will be appropriate if the condition is the assessment that we gave can't reach the learning goals and hasn't covered the students' comprehension yet. (It just my opinion,,,,)

Himmatul 'aliyah

Section B 2010 mengatakan...

really I do agree with your respond because assessment is the part of learning. so, if the one part of learning is lost,the learning will be not complete.

thanks for your respond"

Jefri Saputra mengatakan...

Yah el, I ever get that test. It so scared and nervous and then i forgot all when teacher asked me. Teacher should don't do like that because it will make students more nervous.

Section B 2010 mengatakan...

Thanks you Jef..

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