
Sabtu, 26 November 2011

Assessment in Teaching and Learnng Process

When I hearth the word so there are many meaning of assessment on my mind. I was remembering the assessment that is given from my teacher since in kindergarten until university. There are homework, presentation, worksheet, experiment, product, etc. Most of them was paper and pencil test. Therefore, it was not good because assessment only assessed in one side. For example in Senior High School commonly, the teacher gave paper and pencil test and recently the practical only in art’s subjects. We have to study hard to read and to do many exercises before we got the assessment. In fact, teaching and learning process was not effective because the teacher only delivered the content of material because it only need a little bit practice especially for mathematics subject.
There are my experiences about assessment. Base on the above explanation I can learn that is the assessment are important for my future student because we can look the result process in teaching and learning as far as we delivered the knowledge are looked from the assessment’s tools. It is as a medium for evaluates what we did and also the abilities of our students. Firstly, I want to explain about the evaluation. I said it because every activity that we did also have been met many obstacles in class. For example, reflecting my school experience last week that I thought in Senior High School about probability’s topic. We used grouping to do the worksheet because we thought is useful for decreasing the study stress of math and after that they can share it each other. But unfortunately it doesn’t work well for grouping the student. They are not familiar with grouping method so they need much time to do the worksheet in group. So many student were not giving contribution in group work, I observe them that only one student did it and the other did not do anything. And then the result of the quiz do not satisfied. The important thing is we used same method of teaching and learning in every class. In fact they did it fast to finish the worksheet so they can do the presentation in every group. In this case, we as teacher candidate have to more creative in each situation to ready give various methods although it out of our planning but certainly do not forget the essensial of content. Secondly, it has linkage of the first explanation which is the evaluated process we knew students’ disabilities to assess them we have to think the level of their intelligence or difficulties appropriate taxonomy bloom-understanding, remembering, applying, analyzing, evaluating, creating, use the varieties assessment to assess multiple intelligences that we can put in psychomotor and also affective assessment. We can use various assessment to assess it like workshop, exhibition, project, etc.
The other assessment is UAN or National Examination on 2009 that I have been felt. Although we got prestige achievement in one institute but our examination is not passed so it gave difficulties to continue our study. It happened in other place on one time. Finally, the scariness for facing UAN is felt of the students in Indonesia. But now, the government has to change the system to respect of the school report. Base on the fact that happened in Indonesia so as a teacher candidate in the future we have to change our assessment if there only make our student scare to do the test. Actually the goal of learn is “learn for fun and learn for understanding”.
From the assessment we can knew what we have been caught the goal of the study or not.

Ok, that’s all my reflection of our last meeting.
Thank you my all lecturer and my friends for inspiring me to be better student for better teacher in the future

Ayu Yuliyanti Purwandari
Math Dept

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