
Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

Dwi Sintia_2010110020_Mathematics_Section B_PETA_E-Reflection about Feedback

Accoarding to Outline of SENLEF report of (, which about “Student Enhanced Learning through Effective Feedback”, it is have ways to achieved it, such as through : 1. Briefing Paper on formative assessment and feedback and self-regulation of learning, 2. Conceptual model, 3. 7 principles of good feedback practice, 4. Simple strategies, 5. 50 case studies of good practice, and 6. Publication available on HEA website. From the matter that, there is a key message, which related with it, is a “Formative assessment and feedback by others can only have an impact on learning when it influences a student’s own self-regulatory processes - whereby learners set goals” (adapted from Boud, 1995).
So, in the learning, a teacher must be creative to make a condition in the classroom become interactive between students and teacher. One of to make an interactive between students and teacher, which the teacher must be creative to make good question to lure interest the students and understanding of them. And of that is also a way to a teacher able do assessment toward the students. Apparantely, when the teacher gave a commendation or feedback to the students, then, the teacher must be also giving an explaination with clear, why is that the students can be able an approbation of the teacher. So, the students will be able know about what must be they do to do something become better.
Accoarding to my reflection, when I still become a student in the senior, secondary, or elementary school, which commonly my teacher as average, my teacher is very seldom in the giving feedback toward their students. My teachers is only gave feedback in the end semester, and that only gave when distribution raport. So, when do learning in the classroom my teacher is seldom give feedback toward their students. And I hope, in the course of PETA, I can learn more deeply about feedback, and I hope, I can apply my knowledge about feedback and can apply toward my students in the future.

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