
Kamis, 22 September 2011

*Fransiska Indah Kristiani .. e-Reflection on First Meeting :)

Today is the first meeting on PETA subject. My PETA lecturer is Miss Lydia. I hope i can find the chemistry with her :) . So I feel enjoy, safe, and comfort on her class and this subject too.
PETA is Principles of Effective Teaching and Assessment. Ya, effective teaching and assessment. Both of them are an important thing for to be a teacher. For my personally, I hope this subject can help me to control class situation and know the character of students when my class progress, and also make an effective teaching.
For assessment, on my personally I still confuse about that on the fact when my class progress. I mean, I confuse for display that to be the data :(
When the first meeting also remembering me about my dream, my goals for to be a teacher. Something and someone which inspiring me for to be a teacher. But actually, for now I have not been felt be a really teacher. Because when I teaching last month on Elementary School, I still find it difficult for make our students calm down :(
I have on this subject I can learn more about effective teaching and assessment for my class future :)

God bless you all ;)

*Fransiska Indah Kristiani

3 komentar:

Section B 2010 mengatakan...

inddah: Hope can be fun on PETA :)

MoonLover mengatakan...

hopefully, our (future) students also get the chemistry with us ya indah, ^^


Fransiska Indah mengatakan...

Yoi teh :D

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