
Jumat, 23 Desember 2011

a lately post but hopefully a better one

Wow, this is the most lately reflection posting ever, :'(
I would like to say really sorry to Mrs. Lydia cause of my late posting and I have to be brave to say that, I forget to post my reflection on last meeting. I am so sorry miss.
Here are my reflections,
The last meeting before holiday was the great moment for me. Again, I was serviced a creative method to deliver the material. I really like the way Mrs. Lydia guide us to discover the kind of feedback. By providing us a usual game but really meaningful of content, tends to make me learn it as the easier one. The activities such as ball games, guessing and sharing sessions, were interesting and have the purposes in every little stride. Moreover I think the classroom climates inspire me to construct the same climates when I am becoming teacher later. It could make a friendly and comfortable session but still have the meaningful knowledge.
Actually, I felt I was in a discussion session with the guidance to discover the course material rather than being in the classroom of a course. I really enjoyed and I think I got the point that should be reached. I realized that feedback is one of media that can be used as the reminder for us (teacher and students) whether there were still process or outcomes that should be improved.

Selasa, 20 Desember 2011

My reflection

Our last meeting is about giving feedback and appropriate question. It was nice meeting because I saw the performance of throwing ball and then got the mean of it. There are many types of throwing ball. One of them is represent the collect of all students’ task and then the teacher will give all feedback in the last meeting. On there, have laciness because it is not specific to explain it. The other performance is represent if the teacher give an instruction and then the student give feedback to the activity and teacher give the feedback to their activities. We can conclude that the important feedback for the student and the teacher to make it better than before.
And then what is the meaning of “question”? All people have been usual to give question to other people. But be careful to use the question because we are the teacher candidate who have main role in school condition. The question has a function to make a stimulus tool to construct the critical thinking of the student. They will feel comfort and free to give their opinion about one issue.
Question is stimulus and then the feedback is the evaluation of the activities. Each of both are relate to make improvement.   
Ok, that all of my reflection in our last meeting before we got holiday..
So sorry because I am late to give reflection but in another time I will try to be on time to do this reflection Bu.
Happy holiday guys and Bu Lidya


My reflection

At the last meeting we have been discussed about influence of the way to give feedback. As we know before, we as a teacher can influence student’s motivation through assessment. In the 9th meeting I have been known the effective ways to influencing student’s motivation through feedback. I must give a feedback in the end of every assessment process, or direct feedback. We also can do evaluation or giving feedback for all of assessment in the end of the semester or year, we can say that as a rapport. But, we must know the effective ways to response the questioning from our students. Because from our response, can decide either to increase or decrease our student’s motivation. 

feedback and giving question

I learned about the feedback, according to the learning I've received. Any feedback that directly, and indirectly. I think if I became a teacher. I want to apply the feedback that directly and in both directions between students with teachers. Because I think that direct feedback is an effective feedback for students and teachers can immediately find out shortcomings and correct them immediately. On learning the map I also learned about how to give the question. Rhythm in providing pertanyaanpun can cause the question becomes whether or not either. Depending on the person who said it. But there are also questions that are not well pronounced, although slowly, but still it contains a meaning that is not good. Therefore, I as a prospective teacher, as much as possible to be careful in order not to give the question is not good value.

Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

Hello dear...

As usual, I want to reflect about what we have learnt in this week. Last Tuesday we studied about giving feedback for students. Now, I know how important giving feedback is. By giving feedback for students, they know what they are expected to and what should they do to improve their skill in reaching the goals of learning.
Unfortunately, giving feedback not always works in learning process. It depends on how the teachers' way in giving feedback.

Some teacher only give feedback in the end of learning process.There are also some teachers that give feedback after several assignments. It is not effective way. How come the students can improve their skill if the teacher did not inform what students should do in the next assignment. The most effective way is giving feedback after assignment. So the students know about their result in each assignment and what should they do in next assignment.

It is much precious lesson for us in giving feedback for studenta. In school experience before, only a few teacher that give feedback in each assignment. It is time for us to change to get better education in Indonesia.


Devi Heryanti

Last meeting, we had role play about given feedback to our students. There are many ways to give feedback. Direct feedback and indirect feedback. Both have advantages and disadvantages of each. Based on role play yesterday I more prefer to use direct feedback, because the evaluation that we give more acceptable to the students. In addition, students will also feel more appreciated for their assignments or exams they were noticed by the teacher.
In addition to learning about giving feedback I also learned about responding to students when they ask. As teachers we must answer their questions without having to drop their self-es-Teem, although they might question out of context material.


Feedback and question??
Feedback is important for teachers and students in teaching and learning. Why? Because by doing feedback, teachers and students can evaluate their own work. Can improve the way teachers teach and students in class can improve what material should be emphasized, so that the learning objectives can be achieved. However, how to make feedback provide maximum benefit to teachers and students? Apparently, to get the maximum benefit from feedback, feedback should be given every end of the administration tasks for students to improve given the next task.
Reflecting on my time in high school, teachers could provide feedback at the end when all tasks are given. This is very detrimental to students and teachers themselves are not? There is no opportunity for students to improve its work. Then, what is expected of teachers? So, for us all as prospective teachers, we must be careful in providing feedback to our students.
And in the process of learning, we as teachers do not always provide answers to students in the learning process. We can provide the questions to provoke students' critical in answering these questions so that students do not need to rely on the teacher.

Sintha Kusuma Wardhani

Umi Salamah_E-Reflection_2010110006

Teacher as a facilitator

In learning process assessment students is important. Assessment is not only assess students from teacher, but student can assess their friends, it’s called peer assessment.  Student can put opinion or feedback about work  your  friends. After teacher give assess , he/she has to give feedback for students, in order to could better in the next.  Feedback use teacher to response what students have done. Surely the feedback which can given by teacher has to positive feedback, which can motivate students to more develop their thinking.
For example when I was in senior high school in chemistry subject, when we have mistakes from my answer in exercise or our understanding, she always direct us to right understanding, she give feedback for us. What we will do, and how to solve problems. Instead of that, in assess, teacher has to know how a way to see students understanding. Teacher can use question as a inducement, students are not realize that they did assess. In there, teacher can see do their students understand or not about the lesson. and then after that teacher become a facilitator to guide them.

Umi Salamah

Feedback and question types : E- Reflection

wow this time I am happy to follow the lessons PETA because the topics we discussed  I think is very interesting. The topic of feedback and question types. I think both things are important to be learned and understood by teachers and prospective teachers, as these are closely related in the system of assessment will be conducted by a teacher. Feedback is  from teachers to students, where effective feedback is done every assessment. This is done so that students are not confused in receiving feedback that is given by the teacher. question types like I do not need to explain anymore because I'm sure you all have been very understanding because we've ever done role play about it.

         Regarding both of these things, I want to share something with friends, when I do school experience I ever the find a teacher, where the teachers  a gives assignment to the students without giving any feedback , so that most students' confusion in confront these subjects and the climax is 99% of students  get scored under 50. And these teachers, when there are students who ask for lack of understanding on the topic being discussed, he just told students to find out for yourself. So that makes students become frightened and reluctant to ask because the response given is not as they had hoped. Perhaps this only can I sharing for all. I hope you and me did not become a teacher like I mentioned earlier. We can make a students to find their own answers to their questions, but it could not hurt too sometimes we be able give a direct answers to their questions so that students feel more valued.....^_^

Ratu Bulkis
Math 2010

Khoirul umam 2010110038- 11th PETA

Like usually I write my reflection with first impression on beginning and note on the last.  My first impression: game?? (Lemparan2 bola ke kotak). And….. actually ms Lydia want to showed that feedback should give on last session or class, because if feedback accumulated and the teacher give all feedback for student on the last Mid or Semester, then the feedback has no benefit. Like representative by Jeffri when he want catch 5 balls simultaneously. And there is no balls which caught. This is very great representative from ms Lydia. But I think either feedback on last session or feedback on the last Semester has the advantages of each with the objective of each.

We also learn about Questioning. I write down on my note that questioning is the most useful strategy a teacher can employ to assess the progress of instruction. Questioning gives much information for the teacher. Such as about student learning, lets students articulate their own thoughts, reinforces important concepts and behaviors, influences the pace of instruction ect. With Questioning can built interaction between teachers and students, and this interaction is the most important part which must there is do in the class. Because, as well as anything the teacher has lesson plan, but he have no interaction with student, I thinks their class will be disorganized.

Think smart.
Think creative.
Think innovative.
But must have interaction with students.

Reflection About F & Q

Now, PETA course has talked about F & Q (Feedback & Question). We have known what is assessment and the function of it. One of assessment's function is for feedback not only for students but also for teacher. For students, it can improve their understanding about the lesson for next session. For example, when teacher ask students to make task (presentation or paper & pencil test), we as teacher have to give feedback for them about their strenght/weakness. But, teacher shouldn't give feedback after all of students' task in the last meeting of semester. Because it will not improve students' understanding. We can give feedback after we analyzing students' work. About the question, don't give negative responses because it will be decrease students' motivation.


Asking Question and Giving Feedback, that is the point of lesson the day. The lecturer way giving us abstract of the feedback is really interesting. I think that is one of the extraordinary ways, creative, innovative, and effective. I was thinking what methods else for teaching students about mathematics which is complex of numerals. Hmm, I was also enjoying the course because the flow and connection of each activity was really cool and clear. In each activities, the lecturer ask about our opinion of the activities, and she success guide us to the main topic which is also reflect on her methods. She taught about asking question, and she has done the way of asking question on her teaching methods. I really interested of it. “Miss you has inspired me a lot”.
Back to the topic, asking question and giving feedback. In my opinion, it is great for giving direct feedback for students performance, because the students was enhance by the feedback and will do the best next . Giving direct feedback will being the teacher assessment and also students’ assessment of themselves. It was really nice meeting. I’m waiting for the next meeting.